We’ve featured their Eastside (east of HWY 101) location on here, but had not yet been to their Westside (west of HWY 101) location…so we took one for the team and forced ourselves to go. Um, just kidding, we gladly went because the wines are fantastic (not cheap, but fantastic) and this new location of theirs is stunning. They’re known for their Cabernet Sauvignon, but have branched out and produced some fantastic Rhone single varieties, as well as blends.
As you’ll see in the video, they have an awesome covered patio with gorgeous views (which we’ll have to go back and enjoy when the weather is warmer) of fields, hills, trees, and a small pond. They’ve also got walnut trees and you’ll find their walnut oils and the natural nuts for sale in the tasting room. Pretty cool. Chris took great care of us and we appreciate that, keep up the great work guys!! Oh, and if you go visit, tell ‘em Hoot n’ Annie sent ya!!
Awesome spot, thanks for sharing. Go get ’em Matt, tell it like it is, people should be more respectful during their wine tasting at the wineries. Cheers!
Hey Bev! Yes, beautiful site for sure…and we’re super easy-going people, but still sticklers for paying attention to those around you. I think some people are just oblivious to what’s going on outside their own little bubble. It’s all good though! Good wine makes everything better! 😉
That was well said! Cheers!
Well, thank you! Cheers to you, too!!! ‘clink’ ‘clink’
Annie is far more forgiving of the bone heads that go wine tasting and think they’re the only ones in the room than I am…but that’s probably why I love her!!