If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why? Say you had no worries about money, time, work, family, or any other obligation, where would you find yourself? Isn’t there somewhere you’ve always wanted to go? Some place that’s been calling your name that you would just love to be with the snap of your fingers? Would it be Europe, Hawaii, the Caribbean? Maybe the Moon? Do tell…dream big!
I’m throwing my $0.02 in…I’d have to say Italy or Costa Rica!!
@Hootie…sounds good…I’m in!
I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii (Maui, Kauni ?) and then overseas to Italy, Greece, Costa Rica is nice for Yoga. But mainly my first choice is going up north to Paso Robles it meet my favorite bloggers (HnA), then to Napa/Sonoma, there is so much to see in our country before I would go anywhere else. Cheers!
Hi Bev! Great point…tons of great places to see right around here! We’d love for you to come to Paso! We think it’s one of the greatest places on Earth! hehehe…but we may be a little bit biased…
Knee is getting a litle better all the time, but I still think the surgeon left an angry feral cat in there.
Just about anywhere in Italy is great. Portofino comes to mind or the lake district, but in all honesty I can not think nof any where I’d rather spend my time than Paso. Paso has everything I want in a place to visit. Good wine, good food, good people, nice house to live in,great wife to baby me, a climate that is wonderful. Almost always nice with enough variation to keep it interesting. What more could an old codger like me want.
Glad the knee is coming along…nothing worse than an angry feral cat! Sheesh! An old codger like you has a lot going for you over there at Club Eb, in fact if you have a room for rent we’d be happy to pick grapes and drink wine in exchange for room and board.
I second that Hoot ‘n Annie. lol
Sounds like it could be a pretty cool gig, huh Bev? hehehe….watch out Gary, you’ll have a whole crew before you know it!
I’m in, Cheers!
I’m considering becoming a mormon.
I don’t think so.
You go, Gary! Although I’m not so sure Marcy would go for that!
I have always wanted to go to Ireland and Scotland. My grandfather was born in Scotland and my Grandmothers side is from Ireland. From what I have heard through a cousin that did our family tree on my moms side there is a castle that belonged to the family a couple 100 years ago.
Sounds good, Janet! We’ll go with you…we both have roots in Scotland. Not so sure they have great wine there, though…might have to stick with Scotch!
Hands Down – Greece. A close 2nd would be Ireland.
Right on, Renee! I’m with you on both of those…can’t imagine the great food and wine to be had in Greece, and the tasty beer to drink in Ireland. Oh wait, is it strange that we plan our vacations around what’s available to eat and drink? hehehehe…