Christmas is here…again…already. Time flies when you’re having fun, spend a lot of your time buzzed, and have a baby. Yep, as you know that’s the biggest difference between last Christmas and this Christmas; the addition of Samuel Liberty (otherwise known as Sammy or Little Browne).
Last year Annie and I decided to get out of town for a couple of days right before Christmas and figured Monterey would be a good spot. The crappy thing was that we were pregnant but ended up having a miscarriage a few days before we left for Monterey. It was a very surreal, odd, crazy, and intense time for us. We were trying to take it all in and see where the chips would fall. The trip to Monterey ended up being really good for us, we had an amazing time and it allowed us to regroup and move forward on the right foot.
By the end of January 2012 we were pregnant again and now here we are with Sammy, born on October 12. This Christmas is going to have a whole new meaning for Annie and I, our lives have changed immensely and we are excited about the changes. We haven’t given up on our food and wine adventures, in fact, I think we’ve had even more fun. It’s been great to get Annie back in to cooking now that she’s not pregnant and we moved into a new house that has an amazing kitchen. More importantly, it’s been good to see her enjoying her wine again (along with other libations) since little Sammy is a formula baby.
All of this leads me to my often corny little speeches:
As with every year, this year has brought us many wonderful things and some very horrific things that force us to think and reflect. Annie and I are extremely happy and feel very fortunate to have Sammy in our lives. We feel thankful beyond words that we are able to do the things we do and we feel incredibly lucky to have the friends and family that we have; those people that partake in our life showing genuine interest and give us endless love and support. Sure, we have issues and problems like anyone else but we are dedicated to working through those things and learning from all things that come our way.
It has been difficult to hear some of the financial stories that some people have had to go through due to the bad economy. More recently it’s been quite hard to hear stories like the one that unfolded at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. I don’t mention these things to bring us down, instead I mention these things to show the aftermath of such destruction…and that is the incredible compassion that is shown by people all over the world for the small town of Newtown and others in times of need. You see, we can blame this on me getting older or the fact that I just tend to be a little more in touch with my emotions…who knows; but I truly feel like each one of us, regardless of our circumstance, can help others. “Help”, or being compassionate, doesn’t have to cost us anything other than a moment of our time. Helping does not require money and it doesn’t have to require a lot of time.
We can make this world we inhabit better simply by saying hello to someone and smiling. We can make things better just striving to be better each day so we aren’t weighing down this world with more negativity…it has plenty already. We can stop talking crap about people. We can work on who we are and attempt to fix those flaws we carry that harm others.
I don’t need to go into all the things we can do, I just urge each of us to reflect on our lives and the lives of those around us. Where can we help? What can we do? This isn’t about trying to create world peace…there are much smaller steps we can take to make positive change in a world that often seems dark and heartless. Just do something, every little thing helps.
Annie and I are hoping to either partner with a non-profit over the next year or so to start helping the causes that we like or if we can’t find one that aligns with the things that mean something to us we may just start our own. I’m just so fed up with all the negativity in the media and in everyday conversations; we can each choose to be part of the problem or part of the solution. An amazing side affect for me is that trying to help others helps keep my Holiday depression at bay…so there’s a little bit of selfishness there.
Annie, Sammy, and I wish you nothing but the best this Christmas and we are sincerely thankful for all the friendships and support. We hope you are enjoying time with family and friends but if you need to partake in some adult beverages to make those times a little more jolly, by all means, go for it! Thanks again everyone…now let’s go change the world!!
If you make wine like you made your beautiful gorgeous Samuel your wine will always get rewards! He is beautiful!!!!! Merry Christmas hope to meet you someday and soon 🙂
Jo Trust…thank you for that. I guess we need to get started in making wine. LOL. Really appreciate it, Merry Christmas to you and yours, take care!!
Wonderfully worded, Matt…steel is toughest when tempered by fire! You have yet to totally know the pleasures of parenthood but you are on the right path…remaining positive in all that you face is the right approach and from that, your life will truly develop greater meaning! Clara and I will be very interested in seeing what means of giving back you and Annie come up with. Until then, the Merriest of Christmas to the Browne Family!!!
Steve, very much appreciated my friend. I agree on the parenting thing…Annie and I are loving every second of it and it will continue to unfold as Sammy gets older. As for the giving back…we have some ideas and will be looking for a group or two to partenr with and help bring awareness or we will start our own thing so long as we could find a lawyer to set up the non-profit pro bono. Cheers to you and Clara, nothing but the best to you guys and Merry Christmas!!!
looking so forward to meeting you! Hope January! it’s not me I am looking forward to it its convincing my other half (I of course am the better half) that we need to taste more wine 🙂
LOL…I understand that Jo Trust!! 🙂
Great post, Matt. Merry Christmas!
Thank you Elizabeth, much appreciated. Merry Christmas to you and yours!! 🙂
It’s been a pleasure following you another year, and especially Little Sammy he is such a blesssing and a cutie pie. I applaud you with all the work you do and concerns in making this a better place to live as we get older we do find ways to be kinder to people I always say hi to strangers or make conversations with people standing in line at the store even playing peek a boo with this cute little girl in her mothers arms. Keep up the good work. Blessings to you this Christmas Holiday. Cheers!
As always Bev, I appreciate your comment and support. You are very right, as we get older it seems to soften most of us…which is a good thing in my opinion. Merry Christmas to you and your family, hope you folks enjoy your time together!! 🙂
In spite of the fact that you didn’t listen to my advice you seemed to have manufactured a real Christmas Joy there. Best wishes to you and all for a joyous and safe holiday season. He still looks to be about the right size foe Christmas dinner.
Haha…Gary, we are squeaking by and making it an amazing Christmas even with Sammy here (kidding). Merry Christmas to you and the family Gary, hope to see you guys soon! Cheers!
I remember how tough it was this time last year for you guys…. but the happiness of your year had eclipsed it for me. Thanks for reminding me of the big picture. I absolutely agree Matt. There have been several things happen that have been tragic, but each time, I have also been able to find hope in the actions of some people. In the last week, I lost a beloved uncle but celebrating his life with all of my cousins…. well, our visit was WAY overdue. Was great soaking it up — we had so many laughs! — but so sad when we reminded ourselves why we had all gathered there. All in all, 2012 was a great year for me personally…. I’m so lucky to have so many dear family & friends to spend time with. And although some negative things have happened, we are so blessed and with that come some responsiblity to pay it forward! 🙂
I’m sorry about your Uncle, Janice. But you are absolutely right. I am a firm believer that things happen in life and it’s ALL about how we respond/ react to those things. When someone passes we can be sad but we can also find immense happiness in the fact that we got to know them and in taking their life forward. It’s an amazing journey for sure…Merry Christmas, Janice!!!