This blog post is kind of a two part thing, one part is about this unique and interesting contest going on in San Luis Obispo County (where Annie and I live) and the other part is a bit of selfishness on my part. I will cover the contest part first.
The contest is called ShareSLO and they (they being the people behind the curtain) are looking for a SLO Ambassador. If you aren’t familiar with the county we live in, San Luis Obispo is often referred to as SLO for short…and for the lifestyle…a little bit SLO-er pace.
Anyways, you can read more about it here at their website, and be sure to follow them on Facebook. There have been TONS of good video entries to this contest and you can’t blame them…it would be awesome to get paid to be the Ambassador of your area and share all the local awesomeness via blogging, social media, and so on. Many have said that Annie and I should have entered the contest but to be honest, I feel good about where we are at and how we are doing things…plus we’re already crazy busy.
Now to my selfishness…although it’s not really selfishness. Although I know many of the people that have submitted videos to this contest, there is one person I think would be awesome for the job. His name is Adam Montiel, a local radio guy and also one of the infamous Cork Dorks that we’ve had on our blog before. This dude knows this county extremely well and has been to every corner of it in the time I have known him. He’s a traveling party and an all around good guy.
So if you are sitting around your computer and find yourself wanting to waste time at work…go vote for Adam once per day, every day, until February 18. The voting is happening on the ShareSLO Facebook page, you can use this link to get there and if I’m not mistaken Adam’s video should pop up first when you scroll down a little bit. Adam’s resume says ShareSLO Ambassador all over it…so go vote! Good luck to Adam and all the other contestants!!
Done! Voted! Funny I must admit, I know Adam from in person around cool SLO events and have not listened to him on air. Great guy that is clearly committed to the area, the business, and people.
Right on Shawn, glad you have been able to meet him at least. He’s a cool guy for sure. We’ve hung out/ partied with him on numerous occasions and what we like is that he’s hilarious, super nice, and loves this area without question. Thanks for voting man, really appreciate it!