I really do love each time of year but there’s something special about Spring. Maybe it’s the philosophical side of me that gets into new growth and new life. When we relate that to our lives it’s a pretty amazing time of year.
We don’t really have to hibernate here in Paso because the weather is so mild but as new growth starts we start seeing people emerging from their homes more often and due to the time change we’re back to more daylight at the end of the day…I LOVE that.
I’m sure you didn’t notice that I didn’t post a blog on Monday (we normally post Monday, Wednesday, and Friday), and why should you, this is a pretty humble little blog we nurture here at Hoot n Annie; but I just didn’t feel like it. This is our 641st post on this blog so I feel entitled to skip a post a couple of times per year.
What does that have to do with spring, Hoot?
Nothing really…or maybe everything, it really feels like Annie and I have been in a quasi hibernation since October of 2012 when Sammy was born, or maybe it started when we first got pregnant. The point is, as I drive around this beautiful place we live surrounded by vineyards and rolling hills I see all this new energized life popping up all around. The vineyards are hitting bud break, those rolling hills are green, and it feels like Paso is bustling a little more than it was a month or so ago.
It also feels like it should be a time for us to emerge and prepare for new growth. Sammy is entering his first spring in Paso Robles and I can’t help but look forward to his growth throughout this year. If anything, Sammy is so much like those vines right now…new growth and with the proper nurturing, those vines and Sammy will flourish. Corny I know, but most of you know that’s how I roll.
I’ve been realizing more and more that all the things I “wish I was doing”…I am doing. Annie and I have a great relationship and we communicate a TON, I have a pretty amazing son, I own my own businesses and they both have benefitted from the wine community here, and we live in this amazing place with some amazing friends and family.
This year I am paying closer attention for some reason, I blame Sammy for that; but I am a little more in tune with what’s happening around me. These vines are blooming in order to grow grapes that will one day be in a bottle of wine on our table that we share with family and friends. That’s pretty spectacular when you really sit back and think about it.
I hope you’re enjoying this time of year, it really can be a time for reflection. Cheers!
Nice! Well said, Matt :-). Here’s to Spring!
Thank you Karen, I appreciate that! And cheers to you! 🙂
Babies will do that to you and Sammy certainly is very special! The 3 of you are so special! Enjoy Spring but especially enjoy watching Sammy grow, you are in for a huge treat he is at a great age!
Yes indeed, Jo…and thank you very much. It’s certainly the best adventure I could imagine! 🙂
No worries about not blogging on Mondays, you have Sammy to take care of we understand and appreciate your continual updating us on Sammy we love it. I to love Spring just wish I could see the bud burst on the vines like your picture…awesome. You and Annie are doing a good job as parents and your jobs/business ..Kudos! Cheers! Love ya
Bev, you are so awesome. I will keep posting on Mondays but needed this past one off. I really enjoy all this and I really enjoy sharing Paso. Your support has been awesome and I/ we REALLY appreciate you. Hope your “Wine Wednesday” was amazing! 🙂