As I said on Wednesday, I was going to post a rant here today. I will share with you part of what I started writing (and to many of you there will be no interest because it’s about social media and wineries) but I’ve had some additional thoughts I think are more important.
Here’s the direction I was going:
“Here I go again with a rant about something that I’m rather passionate about. Actually, I am passionately, head over heels in love with these three things: Paso Robles, the Paso Robles wine industry, and social media.
Here’s the deal folks (and this goes out to everyone but mostly to my local folks), you’re breaking the internet. Unicorns and baby kittens are being slaughtered because of the ongoing misunderstanding.
Rule #1: Social media is social. Say it with me, social media is social. Scrap the word media and let’s just call it social. I will go even further to say that social media is about relationships, not pimp slapping people with your dry, boring, and monotonous message.
Stop telling people that they should come to your tasting room and try your award winning wine and instead BUILD RELATIONSHIPS WITH PEOPLE and GIVE them a reason to come into your tasting room. Out of the 230ish wineries in Paso Robles I am pretty sure they all have award winning wines…that is an old statement, let’s bury it. Going on Facebook and telling people to “come see you in the tasting room” doesn’t work. If you would take the time to engage with people online the same way you are (or should be) in your tasting room you will get much further.
Rule #2: If you have an account on Twitter and all you do is PUSH your Facebook messages there but are otherwise completely inactive on twitter, STOP! In fact, shut down your Twitter account and stick to Facebook.
I am seeing this from A LOT of local wineries and businesses; they push their Facebook posts to Twitter automatically but never respond to anything coming their way on Twitter. What the hell?? This is not a billboard or a magazine ad or a mailer. These are real people attempting to engage, not just sit there and read your crappy, one way messages.
Truth is, I saw one company doing this so I tweeted to them saying something about what they had posted, no response at all. I went to their Facebook page and asked them if they were active on Twitter and they said yes…that’s crap.
Three things that haven’t changed at all are my love of Paso Robles, the Paso wine industry, and social media. Maybe I get so irritated with how some of the local wineries/ businesses are using social media because I want better for them. I want the world to look at Paso Robles and say, “Wow, Paso’s got their shit together”, but I’m one guy and I can’t change everybody’s mind.
Part of this in my mind must go back to the fact that I’ve never really felt “home” until I lived in Paso Robles. I’ve never experienced community like this until I lived in Paso. I met my wife while living here and we had our son here. I love this place.
Rather than rant today, I just want to say that the online space is real…and it’s filled with real people. Business has changed. It’s no longer about pummeling the audience with your messages. It’s 2013 and business is social. I don’t need to go over all the facts about smart phones, social media, and real time engagement…Google it. If you aren’t prepared to use the online space correctly and if you’re not willing to take the time to understand the CULTURE of the online space; just don’t use it.
I have changed my mind in respect to trying to get everyone to understand it. I’m here if you need the help. I’m here if you have questions. If I don’t have the answer I will find it for you. I want this area to succeed and I firmly believe a very big part of that moving forward is being online and absorbing the culture. Times have changed…have you?
If you’d like any help or have questions you can get in touch with me in the comments below, the contact section on this site, Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, LinkedIn…I’m everywhere.
Have a great weekend folks and Happy Father’s Day to all the Dad’s our there!
Great article, frustrates me also. Many NZ wineries guilty of the same thing unfortunately., but some are really good at connecting. Thanks!
Heather, yes indeed. There are some that get it but around here it seems it’s about 1 in 30 or 1 in 50 that grasp it. The ongoing journey toward a more social business world with too many people clinging to the past. Cheers!
May have felt like a rang, Matt, but well-reasoned! I agree with everything you say here, would just add that the anti-social use of social media extends well beyond wineries, so many companies just don’t get it. Oh well, those that do have a great opportunity to differentiate themselves.
David, absolutely. Goes well beyond wineries. I just want my little corner of the world to rock the social media world so I feel a little disappointed…but not everyone will understand the culture of social media and how to use these things. Cheers to you and Happy Father’s Day!!
Nice! LOVE It… So completely correct. In my talks with franchise businesses all around the country, I tell them to act as though you are standing face to face with the people on social media … Would you really say those things if your social contacts were face to face with you? BE REAL people, BE REAL!
Michael, sorry for the late response…been a busy Father’s Day weekend. I’ve said the same thing to some of the wineries I have helped out/ consulted. I still have not found the core reason why business is so afraid to let go of the old and adopt the new “social relationships” that are at their fingertips. Frustrating. I’m working on spreading the message…as are you. Cheers and Happy Father’s Day! 🙂