Robert Parker’s? Steve Heimoff’s? Wine Spectator’s? Wine Enthusiast’s?
I prefer my own opinion although I am almost always up for conversation, however; I don’t care who you are, if I like a $4.99 bottle of wine or a can of Bud Light then so be it. If you won’t like me because of choices like that than I don’t need you around anyways.
This is my life and I will drink what I like and if there is nothing nearby that I like, I just might drink swill…it’s just how I roll because sometimes the buzz (I like to use the word buzz instead of drunk so you guys don’t think I have a problem) is more important than what I’m drinking.
There, I said it.
Sometimes the buzz is more important than the quality of what you’re drinking to get the aforementioned buzz. If you don’t agree, well, then you don’t like the night life and you certainly don’t like to boogie.
I bring all this up because I continue to see people rambling on and on about what is good and what is bad…but to who? To them! And it frustrates the crap out of me because of the tone or wording they use to convey their message. It goes back to my original question, whose opinion really matters?
These “Beverage Gods” (at least that’s what they like to think of themselves) are ignorant and arrogant. The goal is to invite people into the “mysterious” world of wine, craft beer, and other adult beverages with open arms and a willingness to chat freely and comfortably. The minute one of these wise ass morons says something like, “oh, you drink THAT?” or “oh, you like THAT?”, it’s time to do an about face.
I’m sorry, but eff the critics, the ones that do it “professionally” and the ones that simply like being critical. YOU need to be your own best gauge of what is good and what is not. There’s a difference between learning about wine and following the critics. Find good people to learn from and not people to blindly follow. You need to do the heavy lifting, and by this I mean you need to drink a TON of wine (or beer or whatever your thing is) in order to get good at it.
Wine is like anything else; you don’t become good by having someone else do the work (i.e. Robert Parker). You get good by learning about your palate and doing the work yourself…period.
I know wineries chase ribbons, medals, and points but they are doing that because the general public is gullible enough to buy into that system. Wine is an adventure. It’s about exploring, investigating, drinking, and most of all…having fun!! Screw the “award winning wines” crap that I kind of talked crap about in my last post and yes, now I’m telling you to screw those critics (again, professional and otherwise) that are filled with teen angst, bitterness, and an overall arrogant vibe.
Now get out there and do work (drink)!!
MY opinion is the only one that matters! At least as far as what I drink. I don’t like beer, but will tolerate a Bud Light Lime if it’s my only option. I do like malted beverages like Mike’s Hard Lemonade and Angry Orchard Apple Cider. Other than that, I used to be a strictly “kool-aid” drinker – if it was fruity and sweet I’d drink it! When I started drinking wine, I only liked sweet wines like Moscato and Riesling. Now I can enjoy a good pinot noir or unoaked chard when the mood strikes me. But my fave drink these days…is whiskey! TX blended whiskey or Crown Maple or whatever…I’m a whiskey girl! And in my opinion, no one else’s opinion matters as long as I’m along for the party. Everyone at my party is welcome to byob and enjoy whatever their flavor preference is, while I enjoy mine! Cheers!
Cheers Heather, that’s exactly how it should be. Our own taste buds and flavor interests change weekly, monthly, and/ or yearly. They are always evolving and we go through phases…how can someone tell me the phase I should be going through? Cheers to you!! 🙂
Matt every now and then you show gerat intellegence. This is one one of those. For years when I do lectures I tell people that there are only two things to remember about wine:
1 Drink what you like. Don’t let some self important wine “judge” tell you what to drink. If it tastes good to you it’s good wine. However, if you’re serving Mateus at you next BBQ I’ll be out of town.
2 A wines 1st responsibility is to be red.
Those 2 rules will get you through almost all wine problems.
How is gary Jr. doing.
BBQing again this Sat.
Haha, thank you, Gary!! I agree with you although I do love me some white wine!! 🙂
Gary Jr. is doing great…about on the verge of crawling which means we’ll have to lock the liquor cabinet. I will talk to Annie about Saturday, not sure what we have going on. We are attending the soft opening of the Vina Robles deal Saturday night…I think.
Cheers Gary, thanks again!!
Matt, you nailed this on the head! AGREE 100%! If Parker rates a wine 90+ and I don’t like it, why does he think I am wrong? If I like a wine and he doesn’t why does he think I am wrong? Total Snob know it all! I drink what I like (and I love most PR wine!) I don’t care if my wine snob friends (never ever invited to our wine parties) don’t like what I am drinking because they happen to think the only good wine is imported or from Napa/Sonoma) who needs them in my life? Not I! We are laid back at our parties and are here to enjoy the company and the wine and we share our PR wine with our friends who enjoy wine not our snooty friends! 🙂 And I like reds mostly but also do enjoy some whites. Gary, we love your cab!
Cheers, Jo. I love it. You are awesome and I appreciate the comment. Gary’s Cab is awesome…so are so many of his wines. Wine is a fun adventure and we should enjoy it rather than have it be an argument or anything else. Cheers!! 🙂
I totally agree Matt! I never pay attention to the points or medals won. I just taste! As long as I like it, I’ll drink it. It doesn’t have to win anything or be expensive. Everyone’s taste is different, so what I may like, you might not and that’s okay!
Absolutely right, Pat. You and I may not like the same stuff and in my mind that is what makes wine fun. If we all liked the same general wines…it would be boring!! Cheers!
I like the advice I once heard: The best wine is the wine you best like to drink. I tend to shy away from wine scores because we all have different preferences and palates. And my wine preferences change with the season, the food, the weather and so on. We also develop our palates as we go along in life and what a boring world it would be if we all liked the same damn thing.
Elizabeth, well said!! I especially agree with how our palates change as we go and I’m like you, my drinking habits even change season to season, etc. Cheers to open mindedness, acceptance, and trusting your own opinion! 🙂
Agree with Elizabeth!
Jo, that Elizabeth is one smart cookie!! 🙂