Seems I’ve been a bit lazy, it’s already July 10 and I’m just now getting our favorite wines from June up here. Oh well, I suppose working from home four days a week and having an almost nine month old little dude to watch soaks up some time..
So, just to reiterate, our “three favorite wines” are listed in no particular order and they might be picked based on uniqueness, quality, or a fond drunken memory…or all of the above.
Annie’s three favorite:
2012 L’Aventure Rose (Just a terrific Rose…we had this at the “Real Men Drink Pink Party’ and loved every last drop!)
2010 24 Knots Pinot Noir (A great little Pinot with all the standard trimmings and a completely reasonable price tag!)
2011 J. Lohr Riverstone Chardonnay (One of my all time faves…easy drinking on a warm Summer afternoon)
Matt’s three favorite:
2010 McPrice Myers Terre Blanche (64% Roussanne, 36% Viognier) I thought this one was unique and I love blends like this.
2009 Bonaccorsi Pinot Noir (Simply an outstanding wine and I LOVE Pinot Noir)
2012 Ranchero Cellars Carignan Rose (A Carignan Rose is unique in my mind and Amy Butler is doing an amazing job with her Ranchero Cellars wines. Full disclosure: we are wine club members.)
What have you enjoyed recently? Anything unique or amazing we should add to our list??
Loshel says
If you haven’t tried Joe Barton’s blanc y Blanc you need to!! A blend of Grenache blanc, Chennin blanc, and Sav blanc.. It was the breakout white for the summer..
Hoot (or Matt) says
Loshel, I know we’ve had that one. it was awesome for sure. It might have made one of our past “wines of the month”. I think Joe is doing a really great job with that Barton line.
David @ CookingChat says
Always enjoy reading these picks! Makes me think of some of my favorites. For June was pretty easy pick top one, the 2001 Mas de Daumas Gassac, Cuvée Emile Peynaud. Blogged about that one.
Hoot (or Matt) says
David, I saw that one that you blogged about…looked very interesting!! It’s kind of fun going back through and looking at the wines we had the previous month. It also makes me think i should drink less. LOL