Apparently I forgot to do “Our Three Favorite Wines from November”, I blame it on bad memory or laziness…or maybe I just drank December away and forgot to write about November. No matter the reason November simply did not exist in 2013 and that’s okay…now let’s move on.
As you may know if you check out our site once in a while is that we’ve been doing an article on “our three favorite wines from the month before” each month. By favorite it could mean it was actually really f&^%ing good, it may mean it was simply new or unique to one of us, or possibly some other stand out point about the particular wine. These choices are our own and we have not been bought off or otherwise forced to pick any specific wine.
Here we go…
Annie’s three favorite wines from December 2013 in no particular order:
2009 Plum Creek Merlot (from Colorado) Because I just couldn’t pass up talking about a Colorado wine! It was pretty damn good…and I happen to really dig a good merlot!
2011 Mitchella Cheap Bastard (from Paso Robles and only called a “Red Wine”) Nice every day red wine. Not too heavy and really smooth. We all need an every day red, right?!?!?
2012 LXV Heart Note Rose (from Paso Robles) It’s a beautiful Rose, a beautiful label, and just a really great drink!
Matt’s three favorite wines from December 2013 in no particular order:
2007 Derby Wine Estates Pinot Noir Sparkling Wine (from Paso Robles) I chose this one because bubbles are bad ass and so is Derby.
2010 Villa Creek Avenger (60% Syrah 30% Mourvedre 10% Grenache) (from Paso Robles) I chose this one because we don’t drink a lot of Villa Creek wines simply because it’s not our typical price point but damn they are good.
2010 Fratelli Perata Barbera (from Paso Robles) Picked this one because I had not had their wines in years and I’m a big fan of Barbera.
There you have it ladies and gentlemen, what a way to close out 2013. As with every year, there were some great times and there were some bad times but at the end of the day I learned from it all and hope you did as well. I wish you the best in 2014 and am thankful for all of you that read our goofy little blog and that have become friends and family to us. Cheers!

Always like reading your monthly highlights! I just posted my December wines of note, following your example…but nothing from Colorado on my list!
That’s very cool, David. It’s fun to do. I saw your post on Twitter, great stuff!!