Le Vigne just finished up a rather significant remodel of their tasting room. I think it looks pretty cool but the best thing is that now they have more room for cheese. If you don’t know what I’m talking about you can ready about “The Cheese Lady” , Zina, and find out for yourself. Congrats to them for the successful remodel, I know that can be pretty hairy sometimes.
Other than the tasting room Le Vigne is known for the old train in back, the big pond, and the massive grassy area where they have held events like the Mac & Cheese Festival among others. If you head out there be sure to check out their shop…along with the amazing cheese selection they have Panini sandwiches, and a fairly extensive gift shop. There’s nothing like shopping while getting your buzz on and eating cheese…right?
Check out the photos below to see the new tasting room.

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