Recently, while in the Portland, Oregon airport waiting to fly to San Jose, Annie and I got to experience two different types of people. One was the type that was taking care of dozens of other people, largely by herself, and doing it with an outstanding attitude and the other type was the one oblivious to other people and their surroundings.
Story 1:
As is the norm for us, we got through airport security and headed directly to a bar for a little breakfast and pre-travel drinks. We found Laurelwood Brewing Co. and took a seat. The lady working the room (I do not remember her name, forgive me) came right over to say she’d be right with us. In the time we sat there we watched her take care of a dozen or more tables and easily three to four dozen people.
She was phenomenal. There were a couple of other people, a cook and a guy that appeared to mostly handle to-go orders, so she really was doing most everything else on her own. Not once did I see her get aggravated or feel rushed even though travelers can often be difficult. She was calling everyone sweetie or honey, had a great upbeat voice and attitude, and did her thing.
We left her a larger tip and Annie left a note on the receipt saying how awesome she was.
Story 2:
When we were done at the restaurant we went and found a seat away from our gate which had gotten pretty crowded. It was in the long hallway leading up to our gate and a few others, near the restrooms. As we sat there a boat load of girls that looked to be roughly 10 to 13 years old came and stood directly across from us. There had to be 10 to 15 girls (plus all that luggage) and they filled up the rather narrow hallway.
As the girls stood there, coming and going from the restroom, they had no awareness about other people. They were causing people to stop and wait to go single file through the crowd of antsy young girls. This group of kids was not alone, there were three adult women and one adult man with them. The funny thing was, the adults seemed just as clueless. I almost expect that out of young people nowadays but could not believe the lack of respect shown by the adults.
Finally, after watching this for going on 10 minutes I walked up to the gentleman and asked him to move his crowd closer against the wall because they were causing massive congestion in the airport hallway. He look puzzled at first and in my opinion, slightly frustrated too…like who the hell am I to tell him to move.
We all see this kind of stuff every day. We see the awesome people that deserve our thanks, a pat on the back, a bigger tip, or maybe just our kindness in return. Then you have the other people, those that seem oblivious to anyone else’s life. Those that think they are the center of the world or possibly just don’t know proper etiquette in public. These people need our kindness too, I suppose…although I’m inclined to clothesline them.
Clotheslining, however, doesn’t fix anything. I do think it is our responsibility to point things out though and do so in a polite way. It will not always be received as being polite but doing something in many of these situations is better than not. It also serves as a good reminder to take stock in our own behavior when we are with or around other people. We’re all on this big blue marble together and we really should be more aware in public situations. On a micro level, we were all in it together that day in the airport. The waitress was aware and gets an A+…those adults blocking the hallway get a D.
Every time we leave the house is a time to consider that there is other stuff going on out there in the world. It’s a time to remember we are not the center of the world but it’s also a good time to think about how much we can impact someone else’s day, week, year, and life. Just something to reflect on.
Matt…I think the frustration of encountering “oblivious people” increases as the number of people gathering increases…seems to be exponential!!! We too traveled last weekend and both airports we flew through had people just standing in the middle of aisle ways total ignorant of all going around them forcing people to run into one another to avoid them. We also encountered the same at both spring training ball games we went to. I am one to usually mutter something about “thinning the herd” as I pass through them…literally! I am polite and say “excuse me” as I split up their little tea party…that’s my way of educating them (although close-lining does sound tempting!). And it does seem to be getting worse. Don’t know if it’s the “me” generation or what but definitely noticeable but you are right in that we should all try to be more aware and help where and when ever we can…Cheers!
Good points, Steve. It is utterly frustrating but I realize that I also need to chill and understand they may be going through something I am unaware of or whatever. Many of these people simply seem oblivious. They are not intentionally trying to be idiots, just turns out they either are idiots (the unintentional type) or they really do have no idea. Wacky.
Matt, I’ve also noticed the two different types of people. The ones I’ve run into happen to be on the sidewalks, whereby the adults are paying no attention to their children and the children seem to be oblivious to others being on the sidewalk with them. I am not speaking of children of Sammy’s age, but older children who should have been taught to look out for others who are sharing the sidewalk. I’ve come to the conclusion that using the sidewalk is kind of like driving; watch out for yourself AND for everyone else on the road (or the sidewalk, as the case may be!). Good post, Matt.
You’re right, Diane. It’s unfortunate but it’s up to those of us that are aware to avoid the issues. Thanks! 🙂
True that! I think one other item that contributes to the “Oblivious Ones” is electronic devices…i.e. “smart phones”??? I think it sucks all of the intelligence out of some and forces them to stop dead in their tracks!!!
It’s time to thin the herd!
I’m most definitely a fan of thinning the herd…and I would indeed probably start with those that seem to lack common core courtesies.
Oh…. Don’t get me started! I don’t come with BRAKES and my filter is dirty!
LOL…good one