Rosé is only good for summer. I call bulls#$t. Actually, most people I know call bulls#$ too. Rosé is an amazing wine style. And like all other wine styles, there are good ones and bad ones. Annie and I have been fortunate to have some absolutely superb rosés and I will make you one promise…we WILL be drinking rosé through Fall and Winter too. Why? Because we’re not scared.
Our friends at emailed us a recent article on rosé and we thought we’d share it with you below. Check it out and let us know what you think. What’s your favorite rosé?
“Wine geeks used to be able to wax poetic about how awfully misunderstood rosé was. Guilty by pigmentation; pithy, dry, well-made rosés were largely ignored as thirsty drinkers assumed those pink wines would taste sweet, seem poorly made, or both.
Thankfully for rosé lovers, those days are long behind us. It can now be argued that no wine is as sexy as rosé. It is easy to drink and elegant, and few wine styles can come close to matching rosé’s incredible visual appeal; from a slight kiss of pink all the way to a blood-orange deep red.”
Rose is a very under rated wine. Great summer and light meal wine, and in my opinion the best wine for a traditional American Thanksgiving meal.
Agreed, Gary! We’ll definitely have some on our Thanksgiving table this year. Cheers!