We figured you were all sitting out there, wondering what we do for Christmas gift giving…right? Well, take a listen and you’ll know all about it!
Jesus is the Reason for the Season. I taught my kids that, as they got older they realized Santa isn’t real, as for gifts we use to draw names with other family members then it got too much so we all stopped and when other family members moved away, now it’s just my grandkids I give them cash or gift cards and gifts like clothes for great grandkids, no toys I let their parents buy that. As the kids out grew their toys it would be donated to charity. Merry Christmas ❤️ My girlfriends I give a bottle of wine.
Jesus is the Reason for the Season. I taught my kids that, as they got older they realized Santa isn’t real, as for gifts we use to draw names with other family members then it got too much so we all stopped and when other family members moved away, now it’s just my grandkids I give them cash or gift cards and gifts like clothes for great grandkids, no toys I let their parents buy that. As the kids out grew their toys it would be donated to charity. Merry Christmas ❤️ My girlfriends I give a bottle of wine.
That sounds awesome, Bev! Thank you for sharing your traditions…that’s what makes it all special!
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