My buddy Maggie Tillman from Alta Colina Vineyard & Winery hit me up on Twitter in regards to this article she found. It got her thinking about any Paso Robles multi-generational wine teams. Alta Colina is one but Maggie also tagged Tablas Creek and L’Aventure in a tweet to me.
So now I’m intrigued and am asking for your help on the issue. Name any Paso Robles wineries that have multi-generational family involvement. Here are a few others I thought of:
- Pomar Junction
- Lohr Winery
- Dusi Wines
Who else and how should this be quantified? Meaning, should it be winemakers only (example: Grandpa was the winemaker, then dad, then son)? Ready…set….go!
Lynette Sonne says
Steinbeck’s go waaaay back!
Matt (aka Hoot) says
Yes indeed, thank you.
Ange Gos says
Oso Libre
Poallilo (RIP Charlie)
Chang Ala
Arroyo Robles
Lone Madrone/Bristol’s Cider
Ange Gos says
Oh and
Rabbit Ridge
Arroyo Robles
Matt (aka Hoot) says
Panettiere? Good call on the others. Thank you, Ange!!
Ange Gos says
Ange Gos says
Fratelli Perata
Chris says
J Dusi!
Chris says
I thought it needed repeating
Matt (aka Hoot) says
Well, they are worthy of repeating…and repeatedly drinking, Chris.
Ange Gos says
Had some yesterday.
Maggie Tillman says
Oh man. I feel like there are so many great ones! Unsurprisingly, you’re off to a great start. More coming as the wheels turn…
Maggie Tillman says
Okay. A few off the top of my head but I’m not sure they fit the bill!
–Law Estate Wines
–Peachy Canyon?
–Brian Benson (not sure separate labels fit criteria)
–Turley (I believe a generation or two is involved in various capacities?)
Will keep thinking. This will be a fun post! So many great wine families in Paso. Thanks for running with it Matt!
Lindsey Armstrong Strawn says
Lots of good ones here! Epoch is another…my parents, Bill and Liz Armstrong, and their daughter, Lindsey (Armstrong) Strawn, a.k.a. me! Ü
Lindsey Armstrong Strawn says
And hiiii Maggie!
Ange Gos says
Law Estates is tricky, the son-in-law works there. I’d say yes, but this is Matt’s call
David Gillette says
I agree about Fratelli Perata. May have missed someone else saying so, but I believe Whalebone qualifies. I would count Sarzotti. Not there yet, but watch August Ridge for a future member of this list
Matt Glunz says
Our family is new to Paso, but my brother and I are fourth generation in our family’s wine business. Our great grandfather started our business is 1888. The 5th generation just started his first year of Wine & Vit at Cal Poly. We are very happy to be a joining all of these great family wineries.
Glunz Family Winery & Cellars
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[url=]フランス語で「舷窓」を意味するブランド名通り、ウブロスーパーコピーはビス留めのベゼルをシンボルとする時計界の風雲児的なブランドです。1980年創業の新しいブランドで、デビュー早々ゴールドケースにラバーストラップを組み合わせるという当時としては”常識破り”の「スポーツ1520」を発表し、一大センセーションを巻き起こしました。その最初の顧客が軍事クーデターで国を追われた元ギリシャ国王コンスタティノス2世であったことも、伝説的な語り草です。キッチュとも言える組み合わせの妙は、正当的な高級時計に飽きた王族などの上流階級に大人気となり、ウブロ時計コピーは”王の時計”とも呼ばれました。 フュージョン=融合をコンセプトとするウブロは、その後も伝統的な時計作りと革新的な発送を融合させて”常識破り”のウォッチを発表し続けています。ゴールドとラバーの組み合わせが他社に追随されると、今度はタンタリウムのケースにチタンのビス、タングステンの自動巻ローターといった仕掛けを施し、さらには文字盤も目盛りも針も真っ黒という「オールブラック」モデルで意表をつくなど、常にスーパーコピー腕時計の世界に新風を吹き込んでいます。[/url]