I’ve been through Parkfield once or twice before but it’s been over ten years. We recently headed out with some friends to check out the scene as well as the San Andreas Fault. No, it wasn’t scary but it was slightly surreal. To stand on a spot that is known to cause massive destruction is strange. Anyways, you can check out the photos in the slideshow below to see how unassuming it looks.
Other than doing the obligatory photo in front of the signs for the fault, the seven of us headed to the Parkfield Café. I was impressed with the café. The food was really good and the vibe…well, it’s what you’d expect from a town in the middle of nowhere with a population of 18. It was rustic but wasn’t lacking in any convenience. Again, you can check out some shots in the slideshow below.
Sammy enjoyed the big treehouse fort in the front yard area as well as the pool table inside. There was an outdoor stage and they do events, including the Parkfield Bluegrass Festival. I don’t know, it’s just cool to be 45 minutes away from home in Paso Robles and have something like this. A little bit similar to Pozo Saloon east of Santa Margarita. You should really check it out sometime.
We did the full loop drive. We took 46 East to Cholame Valley Rd. to Parkfield Coalinga Rd. and then took Vineyard Canyon Rd. back to Indian Valley Rd. to North River Rd. back to Paso. Fun drive. Take your time and enjoy it. It’s about 45 minutes to Parkfield and about the same back the other way.
While out there we went across the street to the Parkfield Lodge. Super unique, interesting spot. We were all chatting about how cool it would be to rent the whole thing and get a group to go hang out. They have a pool, hot tub, bocce ball, fire pit area, and so on. Who’d have thought, good times in Parkfield. Put that on a shirt.
There you have it. Another adventure had. Cheers!

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