We went out to see Santa Margarita Lake after hearing it was at 100% capacity. The last time we were there was in August of 2016 and it was at about 12% capacity based on what a Ranger told us. On this most recent visit it was astonishing to hear from the lady at the front kiosk where you enter that the lake was at 9.5% on January 6, 2017. On February 9, 2017, it had amazingly filled to 100%.
It’s been an astonishing rain year in California. Most of us were pretty baffled because last year was supposed to be the BIG El Nino year but it fizzled. This La Nina year, however, has been rather magical when it comes to the drought. I know there’s been a lot of damage done as well and although that sucks…we need the rain.
Anyways, in the slideshow below you will see one photo of Santa Margarita Lake in August of 2016 when we were there along with a bunch of photos from our recent visit.

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