Shaver Lake has quickly become one of our favorite places. We’ve only been up there three times in two years but we’re working on more visits. We went up a couple of winters ago to get Sammy in the snow for the first time. We then returned this past summer to check it out minus the snow and then we went back a couple of weeks ago in the snow.
In the summer we enjoyed kayaking and fishing as well hanging out with friends at our AirBnB. In the winter, so far, it’s been all about playing in the snow and sledding. We’re looking forward to getting up there again this winter, though and trying to snowboard…we shall see.
Our latest visit was the first time there when it was actually snowing, as in falling from the sky. Our first visit there it had already snowed and did not snow while we were there. We arrived on a Friday and went home on a Monday and in that time, Shaver received 2+ feet of snow. It was absolutely beautiful. It was even a fun workout shoveling snow, I’ve never had to do that before. Sammy helped too.
It was so calm and peaceful. There’s something about the combination of being up in the woods and having it snow. The snow seems to quiet things in a unique way. It was just what I/ we needed. At one point in late afternoon we went for a walk through our neighborhood and down to the main road and it was so still. Hardly anyone out. Snow falling. It just looked and seemed surreal…in a good way.
Anyway, enjoy the photos below and you can click any of the four links below to check out some short videos from the snow.

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