We are a husband and wife team that started this blog when we found out we were expecting our first and only child. Why? Well, for a few reasons…we’re new at this whole pregnant parenting thing, and it’s kind of a big deal. There are a lot of people out there, like ourselves, that are looking for answers, stories, and the ability to identify with people going through the same things in life. So, we’re putting our experiences out there, as first-time parents-to-be, as well as experienced bloggers (our Hoot ‘n Annie Blog) and Social Media consultants in order to connect with others, share knowledge and hopefully touch a few people along the way.
We talk about it all here on Little Browne, from our first miscarriage, to pregnancy expectations, discomforts, disillusions and joys from both the father and mother’s perspectives. We’re growing and nurturing an online community of like-minded people that have some of the same interests and experiences as we do, and that’s why we want to promote and support products and services that can somehow contribute to our lives in a positive way.
We believe in showcasing our sponsors, not hoarding as many as we can at once. This means you’ll get an exclusive spot on our site for our agreed-upon length of time, as well as significant promotion via our Social Media communities. We target and engage our communities in relevant conversations that will include your valuable product or service. We believe in supporting people that bring something great to the table, and if that’s you, contact us.