I recently received an email from HuffPost Live to be part of a 30 minute moderated discussion on the topic of having kids later in life. They had evidently seen the article I wrote for 12Most.com titled “12 Most Convincing Reasons for Having Kids Later in Life” and wanted me to … [Read more...]
1 Month Newborn Checkup For Sammy
Yesterday was Sammy’s one month doctor check up, even though it was a few days before his official one month but there’s a reason for that. Annie and I were getting stressed and concerned with Sammy because the previous few days he was straining a lot. It was like he was trying … [Read more...]
Little Browne’s First Doctor Check Up!
I am behind on a lot of writing and stories I'd like to fill you in on that have gone down over the past 10 days, but first, I wanted to fill you in on Samuel Liberty’s first medical check-up. … [Read more...]
BabyFans.com Contest: Introducing Little Browne to Sports
Which baseball team will Little Browne like…Dodgers or Giants? Which football team…the 49ers? We recently hooked up with the sports fanatics over at BabyFans.com that not only have some amazingly awesome baby sports gear but actually have a pretty neat story to boot (check that … [Read more...]