I’m super curious if Sacramento, CA. has a clue to what it’s doing to its citizens and small businesses. All you have to do is look around or chat with small business owners and it’s quite obvious they don’t know their arse from their elbow. I don’t give a rats whatever about Republicans and Democrats anymore, to me, they all sound like whiny children. Stop worrying about party affiliation and bickering; and start doing the job we are paying you for.
This isn’t rocket science or brain surgery. We have a financial crisis, an unemployment crisis, and an education crisis; don’t these things take a front seat to the squabbling? Now I know, each “party” has their fundamental way of “fixing” problems, but if you scoot closer I’ll whisper a little secret in your ear; NONE OF YOUR IDEAS ARE WORKING!
Can we break this all down to being human? I believe in many things the Democrats say and many things the Republicans say, so I don’t really think I’m bias one way or the other. I just want serious people dedicated to taking care of and solving these serious problems. Not one single person (or party) is going to get there way 100%, so let’s start compromising (which is what we teach our kids yet politicians can’t do it). We’re all on the same team and I truly believe all these problems can be fixed, to some degree, better than how things currently are. So, this is my two cents, I’m sure you’ll hear the rest of that dollar another time.
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