I will preface this with the fact that I am not gay and I do believe that being gay is not a choice.
I am absolutely flabbergasted that gay marriage is such an ‘issue’ when we have mass catastrophes like wars, oil leaks, financial crisis, housing market, hunger, and probably most important…EDUCATION! A crumbling education system affects me more than gay marriage. The financial crisis affects me more than gay marriage. It’s about priorities people. It’s about respecting each other’s human and civil rights. It’s about listening and communicating. It’s about understanding that we are each human; gay, straight, black, or white, and we each want the same things.
Religion can’t make these decisions because it is FAR too subjective. Let people live, as long as they are not hurting others. Now let’s get to work on the issues that are REALLY tearing this country apart.
You know, I was going to post the above as is but after reading it again I decided to add this: I am 33 years old, brought up in a very conservative family and prior to meeting my wife I would have voted against gay marriage. What I’ve learned from life experience, age, and my wife; is that it was fear of the unknown that would have made me vote against gay marriage. Being gay, wow, that’s weird…right? Well, to a gay person I’m weird. I’m a firm believer that being heterosexual or homosexual is not a choice.
You also need to know that I grew up in a religious family and have found that, for myself, I just can’t follow organized groups of religious zealots that think attacking gays is more important than solving the other issues I mentioned above.
And there is no need to respond to my comments with the following arguments because I’ve already heard this uneducated crap: 1) if you allow gay marriage, what’s next, allowing people to marry animals? 2) gay people are out there committing lewd acts in the streets and trying to recruit members.
From my point of view, number one is just a ridiculous argument. Regarding point number two, the gay population is committing any more lewd acts in public than straight people are. There are rude, uneducated people in every religion, race, and group of people.
Live and let live. They just want the right to be miserable in marriage like us crazy heteros…just kidding about the miserable part, I actually love my wife very much!!
Hum, What’s up with Cali?. Who knows? I think with all the problems on the planet who marrieshooks up with whom is irrelevant. With unwanted wars I say Long Live Love! … in any form.
Absolutely agreed, there are more important things to worry about than who loves/ cares about who. You can’t legislate relationships.
Amen!! Very well put.
Thanks Ben, appreciate the feedback!!