I had some thoughts this morning and they went something like this: I really want to leave my mark, make an impact on people, CHANGE the WORLD…you do realize that changing the world is a tall order; I know but if anybody can do it I CAN!! Settle down turbo…no, you gotta think BIG!!
First thing, I know, a little crazy that I was talking to myself but I do that a lot and I’m comfortable with it. Second, if you impact one person is that “changing the world”? I understand it’s not the whole entire Earth but the awesomeness of changing one is pretty big right?
I just don’t want to be one of those “dead end” people, and to be honest I don’t think “dead end” people want to be “dead end” people either! For the most part, as humans, it’s our nature to want to do something bigger then ourselves and leave a legacy of great things behind. My struggle is attempting to curtail the “over thinking” of it and just put my .20 cents (.02 cents isn’t enough) out there in the world!
When you spend too much time thinking about doing something, and not actually doing, you’ve wasted valuable time and tend to talk yourself into a bigger hole. You have value (as do I) and the world needs to see it and hear it. The world is like a giant Wikipedia and you need to contribute to it! Your legacy will be whatever you spend your time, your days, your life doing…or not doing!
We still have a choice in this game of life and it is NEVER too late to do something bigger then yourself. It’s never too late to contribute, you just need to jump on stage and grab the mic…you’ve got nothing to lose. Live your legacy!!
Matt, what makes you think you haven’t started changing the world? After all, aren’t each of us only a mere Six Degrees(or less)from Awesomeness? Just meditate for a moment…and it will come to you. I bet you make a difference in someone’s life every single day. For instance, almost every time you write one of these posts, you make a difference in mine. Truly. Most times we agree and sometimes we don’t and we talk about it. That makes a difference. Maybe I’ll talk about the topic with someone else that day and that makes a difference. Baby steps…but still steps. Moving forward, paying it forward…FORWARD MOMENTUM!
Periodically a long ago past employee might stop by the store and give me a run down on what’s been happening in their life for the past,well I have 27 years of employees to choose from. But one of the coolest visits happened last week. A vaguely familiar looking young man came to my office door and stood smiling at me. I silently racked my brain to place him with no results. He said, “You don’t remember me do you?” I replied, “You look familiar but no I don’t, I’m sorry.” He then identified himself as the son of a staff member from the early 90’s! He had to have been about 10 years old back then. I put out my hand to shake his and he said “No I think I need a hug.” He hugged me and said, “I was driving by, so I thought I’d stop and do something I’ve been meaning to do for a long time.” “I just wanted to thank you for being the only person to encourage me to stay in school when I was a little kid.” Long story short, not having the means to pay for college, Ty had joined the US Air Force after high school primarily to stay out of trouble, earn money and go to college. We talked a bit longer, I thanked him for stopping by and he left.
Baby steps…
Cheri, that’s an awesome story about that kid, well adult now! Wish more people would take the time to say what they feel, mean, want to.
One aspect (there are many) that I love aout networking in my community (be it in my city or online) is that my network ends up helping me as much (if not more) then I can possibly help them. I think the back and forth (in agreement and disagreement) allow for ideas and thoughts to build on one another for a greater understanding.
Your thoughts always make me think beyond where I would normally stop and without that feedback how do we grow, evolve, etc. Great stuff and again I appreciate your comments!! Thank you!