I’ve read a few blog posts about this, and even written about it myself if I’m not mistaken. The theory of actually “asking for what you want” in life and/ or in business; my belief is that most people do not do this and would not even think of doing this. Why? Because, as humans we are often way too proud and feel weak when asking for something.
Isn’t it funny how so much of our own failures come back to human psychology? We’re too proud or we’re too afraid, to insecure or too humble; we go out of our way to sabotage our dreams. This will be a big hurdle to get over in order to try the “ask for what you want” theory, but obviously quite necessary.
If you could be honest with yourself, how many times has another person truly been to blame for you not accomplishing something or not getting what you want? If you’re honest, the answer is never or hardly ever…so who’s the culprit? It’s myself; I am in my own damn way of anything I want to accomplish…period. If you can understand and learn how/ why this happens you can move to step two which is learning to get over it.
Trust me, I am still in the midst of this rather odd evolution of finding peace in asking people for what I want, and it’s not easy; but what I am finding is that it is needed. There are a lot of people out there that want to help others on their journey, in addition, putting your “needs” out there like laundry drying on the clothing line, allows for others to fill possible voids in their world (if you want a certain type of job and voice it, someone may hear that and pick you up, win win for everyone).
If we sit back waiting for opportunity, it tends not to come…but if we go out and announce to the world what we’re looking for, there is often someone there willing and able to help you find it. So gather up your courage and ask for help, let people know what you want to do or what you’re trying to do…not everyone can help or will help, but communicating your needs is still a far better avenue to actual accomplishment then sitting at home crying into a whiskey bottle about all of your failures!!
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