There is nothing more precious than time…so why do so many of us waste it worrying, stressing, and living unhappily? I’d say some of it could be explained away as typical human behavior or maybe unfortunate “circumstance”…but I say bullshit (to some degree).
I understand bad things happen…but bad things have always been happening and they happen to each and every one of us, there’s no denying it. But how do some people maintain a positive outlook through it while others border on suicidal?
Is it choice? Or were they just “lucky” enough to be born a positive person? Maybe they were raised to be positive?
I’m not sure what your opinion is but I am firmly in the camp that thinks all in life comes down to choice, and here’s why. Time, as I mentioned above, is simply the most precious thing we have…and once you make that discovery, and I mean to the core of your being, you will CHOOSE to start living life differently. In addition, once you realize that things like death, illness, or accidents are part of life and that you can’t typically do anything to change that…you will learn to grieve without losing the life you have left.
When your grandfather (or whomever else you were close to) died, would he have wanted you to lock yourself into a dark room for two weeks crying about it? When your best friend was in a car accident that paralyzed them did they want you to hop in the wheelchair beside them? The answer is no to both.
To find contentment in life and truly start living you need to make that choice, once that is done it is about putting things in perspective and not marinating in any one thing for too long. We allow things to become limiting, we allow things to keep us here when we should be over there. You cannot let people, circumstance, or situations prevent from living…tough but true.
The bottom line is that you are here, right now…and if you look through the fog you will realize that you DO have choices. You can do something right here, right now that will put you on the path to a more enjoyable life. No fear!! If I can do it (if only you knew) you can absolutely do it!!
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