Whatever, you and I are so full of shit. Too busy? Really? Think about how much stuff you do each and every day that doesn’t amount to a hill of beans. If your passion is writing, but you say you’re too busy to write, I call bullshit!
We fill our lives with things that we are not passionate about. Again, if your passion is writing, or even if it’s in your top 5 things to do…than STOP: watching tv, playing video games, gossiping on the phone, staring into that other universe where the purple people eaters hang out, and so on.
This may be coming across a little harsh…BUT, you know where I got the idea for this post? From listening to myself, I’ve been hearing the words “I’m too busy” fly out of my mouth a lot lately and actually got disgusted by it yesterday. “I’m too busy” is nothing but an excuse.
If you truly WANT to do something, if you truly are PASSIONATE about doing this thing…than YOU WILL make time for it. You will prioritize and stop doing the things that are “time wasters”. Think about it…what could you eliminate from your day? Don’t be shocked when you start eliminating certain things and the world keeps going!! Shocking…I know!!
Well tell us how you really feel Matt! Spot on as usual.
Time is a precious commodity, what you choose to do with it really is up to you. Excuses or not.
It’s not that I’m too busy, instead there aren’t enough minutes in the day I’d like to live. Since I don’t see that changing anytime soon I guess I’ll have to take your advice. 🙂
I think we get addicted to being busy, too! What are you (I’m talking to myself here) busying yourself with? Does it really matter? Sometimes taking the time to do nothing at all can be as much of a priority as accomplishing tasks! Hey, there’s an idea…let’s take a minute or two off!
You should keep this subject going.
lol, no doubt Sherree…that is one of my biggest things right now, I don’t know how much time I have left and I REALLY want to use it to make me and the world around me better. We’ll see what happens!!
Cheri…the only thing that scares me with the idea of giving people (in general) more minutes in a day is that they would waste those too. 24 hours is a fair amount of time…I really think it’s about digging deep and finding where time spent is being wasted, or at least not maximized, and rearrange. Who knows….maybe I’m completely wrong!! lol 🙂
Annie…I agree, but as you know, I think that if you are spending your time doing things that are helpful, fulfilling, and of value…”time off” isn’t needed…and by the way, I love ya!!
Rick, this subject is non-stop in my head…I take lots of notes and really do use myself as an experiment on time, attitude, and living a fulfilled life…always tweaking, etc. Thanks for the comment!
Excellent points, Matt. We each have as much time as great people such as Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Rembrandt, and more! Yet, we constantly complain about time. That’s crazy.
As you say, it requires a complete reprioritization of things. If it doesn’t get you closer to your goal, put it on the back burner!
Well said Amber…and I couldn’t agree more. I go back to what I’ve written about before, choices, if you want more time make choices that give you more time. There certainly isn’t less time in a day, it’s that we are trying to get more done in a day…so as you say, reprioritization!! Cheers!
Loved your blog. The exact subject has been on my mind for a while. I have read some books by Seth Godin about the same thing. If you haven’t read the “poke the box” do it.
Love to read more on this subject as well.
I say deliver, focus on delivering rather than anything else. Remove everything that doesn’t take you forward one step.
Would love your thought about my blog with titel “Step 6/7; 3 magic words: Mastery, Purpose & Autonomy” it is basically in the same subject.
Well done,