It is amazing to me how much “environment” impacts thoughts, attitude, and purpose…as I sit here on a Friday evening looking out on the Pacific Ocean from a beach house that friends own in Morro Bay, CA.; I find myself contemplating why so many people ALLOW life to happen to them rather than owning each and every day they are given.
I’m 34 years old, and I feel like I finally have a grasp on things that matter…maybe I’m late or possibly I’m early in regards to having these thoughts/ ideas at 34…I’m guessing early since it seems to me that so many people never appear to “get it”.
One thing I’ve learned and believe with all the DNA in me is that each and every damn one of us has choices….NO MATTER WHAT! So, instead of choosing to be lazy, live off the system, or blame everyone else for your crappy life…get up and choose to own your life, be accountable!
I’m a firm believer that a positive attitude is massively important to living a life that is fulfilled, successful, and rewarding. I know we can’t be positive all the time, and we don’t have to be…but as long as we are aware of our attitude and work hard to stay above the yellow line (a Biggest Loser reference) than our life will improve…guaranteed.
The people around you WILL impact your life…another great thing to know and consider. When it comes to people…CUT THE FAT! And no, I don’t mean get rid of your friends that are overweight, I mean get rid of the people that drag you down with their negativity, their neediness, and the drama…you don’t need these anchors in your life.
We do not know when we will die nor when we will be seriously affected by trauma in our lives, so it is very much our duty to make the best of every moment…always. And we can only do this by setting ourselves up for success, rather than failure. So the above points are a potential starting point for a happier life.
Remember, nothing worth having…especially happiness, comes easily; it does take effort and will power; but the end result is beyond words! Cheers!!
Surrounding ourselves with lovely people… Key
For sure Kris!! I wish I had learned that sooner in life, it is truly amazing how you become like your surroundings…cheers!!
Power to the positive people!! Great post Matt!
Peggy 🙂
Thank you Peggy, much appreciated…and yes, I agree…power to the positive people!! 🙂