I had written the below thoughts down a little while back with the intent to go back through and clean it up a bit, after re-reading it I thought why try to fine tune it, sometimes thoughts in their original form are better…so I left it as I originally wrote it…random thoughts! Cheers!
I will apologize ahead of time but I just don’t care anymore; and I don’t mean anything negative by this. This is my one shot at life, and you will either like me, hate me, or not even give it a second thought…and that’s okay because we are each in that same boat.
Why did I apologize? Because everybody is so damn sensitive, actually, it’s because everyone is so damn scared and they get envious when they see other people that are truly LIVING!
As I have been traveling down my path, and through the recent journey I’ve discussed on here as well as on our wine blog, I have come to some realizations that I wish I had come across when I was in high school (would have saved me a lot of grief).
I’ve realized that I do not need everyone’s acceptance and that voicing my thoughts and opinions is absolutely within my rights. I’ve realized that trying to make everyone else happy only makes me unhappy, in order for me to put my best foot forward I need to be whole and content. I’ve realized that I am my own worst critic, and learning to listen to and deal with that correctly has been liberating. I’ve learned that the day I stop learning, I am dead. I’ve learned that I do not give a rats ass what you think of me therefore I will not let the “fear of your reaction” keep me quiet.
I know that regardless of what I do or what I say, some of you are going to think I’m full of shit, that I don’t “get it”, that I simplify things too much, that I can’t do what I’m trying to do, or some other random thought…but you know what? I’m quite okay with that and will continue doing what I do regardless.
You see, there is nothing more precious than time; therefore, what you do with your time is of the utmost importance. I no longer choose to stress out over your negativity or gossip, I don’t want any part of it. I no longer choose to allow things, events, drama, or “unfortunate circumstances” to own or define me.
With all that being said, I want to know you, and I want you to know me. I want us to be a community that can come together not just in good times, but in bad times as well. I want us to collaborate and help each other through shitty times, help each other grow, or help each other in business. I want to enjoy the short time I have left on this planet with my wife, family, and friends.
I have chosen to live, and by prioritizing and putting things in perspective I have given myself a better chance of doing so.
The question is, am I completely nuts?
No you are not completely nuts. But you know that already. You also already know who does and does not have your back. And I already know that it is a given but you do care about what at least one person thinks and that’s the lovely Ms. @AnnieBrowne.
Having said all of that…you could have made the same points without the “Shock” value language. lol You are better than that Matt. It reads like the guy at the restaurant last Sunday, kind of loud…
#just sayin’ (but I love you no matter how you choose to communicate!)
Hey Cheri…it’s funny where the line is between saying I don’t care anymore and caring…and I know I care, generally speaking, but I know that I don’t care about those that try to rein in others attempts at living life. As for the shock value language, I completely understand…I wrote this a couple months ago and if I recall correctly I wanted it to be slightly “louder” in order to get my point across. That could be a blogpost in itself; how, as individuals, we make those decisions on how this or that needs to “come across to others”.
I always try to stay true to myself, and I definitely have a fiery, opinionated streak in me that likes the occassional profanity…but I also know that isn’t me all the time.
Cheers Cheri, Happy Tuesday!!