I’ve talked a lot in the past about how things happen for a reason, about how people seem to appear in your life when you need them (for the most part, some people just suck and they’re just there to test you), and so on. One thing I have not discussed much, if at all, on this blog…is my wife.
I say this with no doubt or question in my mind, my wife (Annie), is the most important person I know. We have been together for almost five years, married for a little over three years…and as the second marriage for both of us, we certainly learned a lot about what we did and did not want in a successful relationship. Besides, I remember that little saying when I was a kid: first is worst, second is best, and third is the one with the hairiest chest…so I’m thinking we’re good with the second!
In all seriousness, we have certainly had our ups and downs like all relationships, but there is absolutely no other person I would rather have those ups and downs with. I’ve always lived life in my head so to speak…Annie has always been incredibly supportive and assuring about my wacky ideas; that I have learned to live outside of my head. I don’t think there is anything more important that one person can do for another than give them that unconditional support and love you no matter what.
Another thing that really stands out to me is that she and I are always looking to grow, learn, and make ourselves, therefore our life…better! We’ve learned to communicate and actually hear each other, most of the time, which has led to, well, peace. We enjoy coming home, we enjoy all the time we spend with each other…I love that.
Lastly, I noticed this last night at a wine event and have noticed it quite often actually in our day to day life…when we aren’t talking, or we aren’t right beside each other at an event or something…I will catch her looking at me sometimes and there is such a look of confidence, love, support and well, everything good and positive. I’m not a mushy guy, just not in my DNA (I think, although I have my moments); but I would not be where I am today, doing the things I’m doing…if it was not for my wife, and I certainly don’t give her enough credit…but she has, in every way, been the key that has unlocked the door to the world!
Thank you Annie!!
This is one of the most beautiful “love letters” I have ever read! Tom & I had that and it does my heart good to see another couple (that matter to me without having met either of you IRL) discover the true meaning of “happy ever after!”
I hear ya bro and nicely stated! Without our woman we would just be a pile.
Matt, coming from a woman, (who is also a wife) your words of affirmation about Annie are beautiful and show your love and devotion to her ..This brings to mind a little passage that begins ” A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. She brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life”.
You are a blessed man..and she one blessed women. What you two have is rare and a joy to witness.
Cheri, I appreciate your words very much! It has been amazing to see the changes in me from knowing Annie…probably more amazing what the power of having the right person can do!! Cheers Cheri!! And I am very happy to know you and to know Tom through you!
Shawn, amen brother…life is good!!
Marianne…you rock, thank you for the comment and the passage you shared. Life is this amazing journey, and I am a much happier guy with Annie there to share it with. Been an amazing ride!!
Matt- well expressed and spoken about your love for Annie. May I be so fortunate as you one day. Annie is an extraordinary woman! And you are an extraordinary guy!
Hey Phil…I wish everyone could feel the way I feel…I am literally married to my best friend…although we have our miscommunications, we always focus on laughing, growing, and the adventure that life is. Cheers, and I hope you find it as well!!
Wow, is all i can say! I love our life, I love that we found each other, and get to spend out lives together. Thank you, husband for these words…it’s a much bigger gift than you can imagine! And thanks to all of you, as well! We love and appreciate your support! Cheers!
Annie, as we both know and have talked about before…life is short, it’s important to say how you feel…tell people what they mean to you. What a great adventure!!!