I recently chose to help (so did MANY other Twitter peeps) a friend on Twitter with his campaign to fill a semi

truck with food for the hungry in his community through the Holidays. He and I do not share direct communities; we don’t live in the same area…or country. Some would ask why I am promoting his cause on a social media site when I should be helping my own.
Here’s the thing…Dave Reynolds (aka @997Dave on Twitter, works for 99.7 The River radio station in Campbell River…in Canada) is infectious, and not in a bad way. He’s one of those people that cares, and he cares more than you and I put together…but then it starts to consume you, you want to help this man accomplish his goal because there is this genuine emotion there and you start believing in that same mission…because of HIS emotion.
For the third year in a row, Dave moves into this semi truck trailer and lives there night and day until the truck is full of food, some would call that crazy and others would call it dedication. It has been great to see Dave’s Twitter community come together in support of him, even though they don’t live in his community either. But what this does, for me anyways, is inspire me to not only donate to his cause (which I did, and I’ve done a lot of tweeting for that cause as well)…but to now start focusing in my community to see what I can do to be more helpful, to get involved.
So those that wonder why I am helping his community…the answer is simple…I am helping him because that is how I can repay him for reminding me to help, to give, and to get involved. More importantly, I am helping his cause to thank him for that gift of inspiration and motivation! So, thanks Dave…you are a great story of how people can change the world as well as a great story of how social media can be so amazing!
A great group of People, with uncommon geography, coming together, for the common good. #UsGuys
Amen to that Stephen…pretty amazing if you ask me!!
Great little piece, Matt! Thanks for your support of our efforts in Campbell River and for supporting the River Relief Truck!
(aka @rantingincr)
More than welcome Sean, I appreciate the feedback!! Best of luck!!
It is awesome to see the work of one man to help his community! Even more exciting is the on-line world helping to make it better!
Tribal power and true friends are an amazing thing. I have seen it first hand over and over again. Just like Steve said… all for the common good. And a special person in Dave Reynolds….
Denise, Dave is certainly doing an amazing job…and I think we all value him for who he is which is why we all came together to help his cause!! Thank you!!
No doubt Lewis…you said it perfectly, as did Stephen. Just happy to be part of it all!! Cheers!
Go Dave! and us! 🙂
Great post Matt!! and Thanks to Dave for bringing the best out us!
Yes indeed Deep…go Dave and US!!!
Jeannette…Thank you very much, appreciate it, and thanks to Dave for sure. Love this stuff!!
Nicely said, Matt. The power of community — add in a special mix of extraordinarily special people, and you start moving mountains.
I couldn’t agree more Paul. The power of people is trule amazing, although I don’t think we use that enough to make change. Cheers my friend!!