Really…I am, this wasn’t a ploy to get you to click. Annie and I are going to have a baby!!
So, with the exception of close family I am announcing this on my blog and here’s why. Annie and I met about five years ago on match.com, and then about three years ago I/ we got involved in social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, & now Google Plus) and we have openly (for the most part) shared our lives with you. And then about two years ago we started our wine blog and I started this blog…so the online revolution has been good for us and to us. Although, now our wine blog may have to become a parenting blog.
Now, back to the baby part. HOLY CRAP!!
Annie will be 40 years old in December, and I just turned 35 in November…not that this is interesting news, it just means we’re having a kid later than many people do. Prior to learning this we decided that we’re going to buy a house in 2012…love it when a plan comes together. The puzzle is being pieced together.
On top of that, I have been in the midst of shifting careers (which is exciting) and this lights an even bigger fire under my arse…I like it. It’s been a roller coaster the last five years together, Annie and I have been through some exceptionally amazing times, and sometimes that weren’t all that great. Looking back though, it’s like each and every situation and event (good or bad) was meant to be…it all fits so well together and every single bit of it has put us in a better place along the journey.
What does this mean for us?
For me, it means legacy…beyond my businesses or my writings, as long as all things go well medically speaking, I will have this person to pass this world on to. To see this being that is part Annie and part me will be intense and amazing, just like with anything there will be good times and bad…but Annie has truly been the most amazing thing in my life so to share something so special and unique with her will be breathtaking.
Here we are…I hope to have you along for the journey. I’m nervous…bordering on scared, all while having the utmost confidence in Annie and I. One of the best things in our world, is that we are surrounded by phenomenal people…some on the inner circle, some on the fringes…but all of you make it worth it! Until the next post…cheers!
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh!!! Congrats Matt & Annie!!
Love to you both~
Holy crap! Congrats to both you and Annie! I’m about 7 weeks into new fatherhood, so you can use me as a benchmark for Baby Browne!
Awwwwwww – I am SO very happy for you two! Congratulations!
YOU AND ANNIE R0X and I can’t wait to see your bundle of joy.
All the best, superstars!
Have a wonderful next 9 months ahead!
WOO HOO! Congratulations to you and Annie! I am beyond thrilled for the both of you. So awesome…y’all will be fabu parents. Looking forward to seeing pic’s of the new “Browne” child!
Holy crap is right! And to think I’ve got a phone call scheduled with you in an hour!
Huge congratulations, Matt and Annie!
Thank you Kris!! And we will be right on your heels with buy a house the beginning of next year!! And feel free to babysit anytime!! LOL
Paul…good day for a biz call right?? I really appreciate it man…very much!!
Matt… how about a double holy crap. So exciting and I love how open you are about all of this. Gives me hope.. lol I think I’ll get back to match.com again… 🙂
Seriously though.. a big congrats to you and Annie… love a good story like this. Now, get that arse of yours in gear, you have a baby on its way. 🙂 ps.. I am laughing at the pic, because my brain is slow today. Wait, they have announced that they will be having a baby, yet Matt has a pic that looks like his kid? lol Again, great news…
Congratulations to two of my favorite people!!! Wow, this is fantastic! Matt, Annie, you guys are about to embark on a wonderful journey. So glad you will be sharing it with us, and can not wait to see you both again! Congratulations!!!
Thank you very much Jackie!!! You rock!!
LMAO…perfect Mitch!! And thank you man, really appreciate it!!
Taariq, I appreciate it, means a lot man!! This will be another exciting chapter!!
You’ll be fine! We started at about 35 and stopped with our little guy when Kathy was 40 or so. Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times! 🙂
Absolutely Sherree!! We are extrememly excited, and slightly nervous…lol!! What an adventure!
Jeff…how funny about the pic…I kind of thought about it but posted it anyways!!
You know, there is always hope…I was out of it thought before meeting Annie. The last five years have made up for all the crappy ones. Life is good and we are very excited!! Thank you very much!!
Mila…thank you for your always kind words!! We expect to see you and Josepf more, we’ll need babysitters!! lol, just kidding.
LOL, great advice Sean!! You know…when thinking about posting this blog or not, I thought why not…these extended family members and friends are supportive and awesome and will have great advice for us through the journey…share share share! Thanks Sean, cheers!!
Love Sean McGinnis’s comment.. lol
For sure Jeff…Sean always has that humorous yet logical piece of advice!! lol
No way!!! OMG, We’re so happy for you guys! Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Annie a little early!!! Can’t wait to see ya and tell you congrats in person!!
Thank you Ron…and yes, way!! We’re extremely excited and teary eyed and a bit nervous…but it has all been planned and we are extremely thankful for good friends and family around us…we will need it!!
Matt and Annie, congratulations. Get ready for one of THE most exciting rides yet!
John…I can imagine!! We are looking forward to it and I really appreciate the words!! Thank you.
Exciting times! You inspire me (I’m 39) to keep hoping for your good fortune!
Veronique…you never ever know what’s around the corner. We had given up on love prior to meeting…and had more or less given up on having a child. Here we are. Keep moving forward is my best advice. Things happen as they should!! 🙂
Congratulations! My wife is just over 6 months pregnant with our first child. It’s definitely exciting times!
– Matt
Congrats from Texas! So happy for you both!
Much love,
Auntie Heather
Matt & Annie,
wow! Super Congratulations. Nothing is more honoring or humbling than having a child together.
May your love for each other be reflected in every smile of your child. May your care for each other preserve you through every sleepless night. May your tenderness toward each other heal every little scrap and boo boo. May you grow more in love as your child grows. Stay thirsty my friends, and connected, and in love. Blessings to all three of you,
Matt, thank you brother. I appreciate that and congrats to you two as well!!! Keep me filled in on your journey!! I look forward to hearing!!
Josepf…you are the man! Known you for about a year I guess, and met in L.A…feel like I’ve known you a long time. I appreciate your words more than you!! Thank you my friend!!
Love you Heather, thank you very much!! Stay tuned, more adventure to come!!
Congratulations. Great news, great story. As for the age thing it really does not affect parenting. You have years of life experience and wisdom to pass on to compensate for less energy. Also you will not begrudge giving up late nights out in clubs, bars etc as you are ready. Enjoy. I know many older parents and I was in my 30s too when I had twins, my first children, they do fine….
Definitely appreciate those words of support Nicky, thank you for that. We are ready…and excited, with some nervousness…but Annie and I live this wonderful journey moment by moment and look forward to this part!! Thank you again!!
Great to hear, congratulations to both of you on the new phase…one that’s coming to an end with me, now that both kids are in college
Hey Rusty…well, we’ll be coming to you for advice then…how about that?? Thank you very much my friend!!!
Talk about an early holiday gift, the unbridled joy of a new life. Annie & Matt congratulations on the announcement and I’m thrilled for you both. I’ve never experienced the joy of becomming a father but have witnessed the transformation of wonderful couples into something deeper with the arrival of the bubbling child. It is after all a grand and remarkable journey, and your route just took an unexpected, but certainly pleasurable turn.
Cheers to you both! Now I need to go find a nice bottle and celebrate! 🙂
Martin…my friend, thank you very much for your words. I appreciate them very much! Believe it or not we planned this…and through the little bit of fear we are VERY excited!! Now I need to hurry up and get out of my current biz and into this other one so I can be the stay at home dad and work from my laptop!! LOL
Thank you Martin, cheers to you!!
So excited for you two!! Congratulations!!!!
Thanks a bunch Chandra!!! We’re pretty darn excited too!! Cheers!!
So happy for both of you! Many of my friends are having babies later in life and I think they’re bringing wisdom and insight to their parenting by having waited until they were older. Omodeto Gozaimasu!
Thanks for the comment Elizabeth!! And you are so right!! We are very excited and look at this like another exciting chapter in the adventure!! Cheers!!
So amazingly happy for you and Annie!! What an amazing blessing for your family of 2 to become a family of 3. It’s going to be so fun to share the journey with you guys!
Congratulations Matthew & Annie!
Baby can distinguish voices and sounds from around 20 weeks, so chat away to your bump from then and let her/him know what’s going on in your world. The familiarity of tone apparently comforts them when they finally make it out here 🙂 Enjoy!
Congrats to the Brownes!
So extremely happy for you both!
Extra sparkle for the holidays.
Wow, that is sooooo fantastic, congratulations. Dave and I met 19 years ago in the New Times personals (before computer dating was so big). Anyhow we were both 35, we got married at 36 and had babies at 38 and 40. I can’t even imagine life without them. I said “It will keep me young or kill me” I opted for keeping me young Having kids is the very BEST thing you can do. I am so happy for both of you. The only drawback is ” no wine “, well it’s worth it.
Mimi…so appreciative of your words…thank you very much…and we can’t wait to share the journey with everyone!!!!
Steve!!! Great info…thank you man, and hope you follow our journey…should be a fun time!!
Peggy…I’ve known you for quite some time now and I am very appreciative of your wishes. I hope to share our journey with you, and most certainly expect some helpful advice along the way!!
Susan….wow, that is so amazing!! Love the story on you and Dave…awesome.
Thank you for those comforting words…and as far as wine…I will just drink Annie’s share I suppose!! haha
Thank you Susan!!!!
Woohoo! Such wonderful news!
I’m raising a glass to you both!
Thank you Marie, good you’re raising a glass since Annie can’t for a while…lol. We’re very excited for this next chapter!!
ROCK ON! Huge congratulations are in order for you two fantastic people. While you may be a little later having your kids by US Standards, you’re right on time with the lazy life here in Spain 😉 There’s nothing that could be better for your future child than you two having spent time on yourselves as both individuals and as a kickass couple. Best of luck to you, can’t wait to watch your lives grow & change!
Brandy…we love ya girl!! Thank you so much and I sincerely appreciate your words!! Hope you’ll come along on our journey!!!!!
Congratulations and happy womb reading.
Many thanks!
Fabulous news, congratulations to you both! Two such nice people are just going to be great parents–lucky baby!
Congratulations, Matthew and Annie!!!!
I so enjoyed meeting both of you at BlogWorld this year. You’re such warm and wonderful folks that I have no doubt you’ll make fabulous parents!
Lots of life changes all at once: new house, new career, new baby. Be sure to take time here and there to reflect on your accomplishments and enjoy it all. Sounds like this next year may be your biggest one yet!
Sending you best wishes as this new chapter of your lives together begins with a bang!
Teresa!! Thank you so much, really appreciate those words!!!
Amber, thank you so much. Annie and I constantly remind ourselves that this life goes by so fast, and how important it is to constantly stop and smell the roses. We are very excited, thrilled, bewildered, and amazed! What a life!!
It was so great to meet you, definitely a highlight for us!
Next up, potentially a parenting blog!! LOL
Hey Matt,
Congratulations to you and Annie!! Your announcement takes me back to 1979 when Carolyn and I had our baby girl who has now grown into a beautiful successful woman. I know that nervous butterfly feeling but let me assure you once that little miracle arrives those feeling will be replaced by the greatest joy and happiness you’ve ever experienced and it will be the most natural thing you can imagine. I’m so happy for you guys! Cheers and best wishes for wonderful pregnancy and delivery!!
Duncan…I really appreciate your words and I really appreciate the friendship we’ve built with you. It is an amazing feeling and we are very excited for this new adventure! Hope you’ll be there with us as we navigate it!!
Again I say…I cannot wait for baby! Congrats:)
You Dave, are the man!!! Love ya brother!!
Matt & Annie, I am thrilled to hear the news! Having a baby is life changing! Enjoy every single minute, every single experience. Find your ways to record these precious moments; for they will become priceless memories!
I can’t wait to have baby ‘Liberty’ here!
{hugs} -J
Jeannette…thank you so much for your words!! In this age of iPhones and iPads, plus our video camera that we use for our blog…we have it covered to record all the moments. We will be starting a parenting blog too!!
I am so grateful for the the support from my online community and USguys!!
Thank you again Jeannette…I really appreciate it!!
Congratulations! I am echoing what others have said. This is exciting.
Karima, I really appreciate it, all the comments and support are overwhelming!! Cheers!!
Oh, MY! What simply WONDERFUL news! What a joy to welcome a new little being into such a loving relationship! Big hugs to you and Annie! Love and Happiness Always, Aunt Candy
Thank you Aunt Candy, I really appreciate it. This will be quite the adventure and we’re looking forward to it!!
It was such a pleasure to meet both you and Annie IRL at BlogWorld. Its not everyday that you connect with a couple that really seem like a perfect match. It just felt like you were meant for one another and while having kids certainly does challenge a marriage- starting at the basis of true love and connection is going to mAje for a happy and grounded family. You’re both going to be amazing parents and I’m so excited to hear the news- and cant wait to see that little bundle!!
Thank you so much Renee….it was awesome meeting you s well, too bad you live so far away. We plan to tell the story of this baby via our blogs and social media, should be a fun adventure!!
I think our age, our past life experience, and our amazing friendship will certainly all be benefits to raising this little person!! Thank you again Renee, we truly appreciate it!!