We have two choices in life: 1) Grab the bull by the horns or 2) Don’t.
We can come up with all the excuses in the world to keep us from doing just about everything…but why? What purpose does this serve other than to make you obsolete? Why give the “excuses” legs to walk on? Why breathe life into words that keep us imprisoned?
Why don’t you quit that job you hate?
Why not leave that person that you don’t love anymore?
Why not move since you’re not happy where you are?
Why not take that vacation?
Why not buy that outfit?
Why not start that business you’ve been thinking about?
Why not take the day off from school or work and have an adventure?
Why not walk up to that person that you find interesting and introduce yourself?
Why not get up half an hour early and go for that run?
Why not give YOUR words as much power as you give that person’s words?
Why not be honest and admit you screwed up?
Why not?
NO matter what you do and when you do it…somebody out there will NOT like it or you. Stop making excuses. Don’t create that fictional story in your head that causes you to shut down and quit. Don’t give your past the right to own your today. Don’t let what you THINK others will say be the thing that causes you to stay in that bubble.
Pull out a needle and pop that bubble. Step outside…be uncomfortable chasing the dream that YOU want to chase instead of being uncomfortable living inside your excuses. Doesn’t it make sense to you that no matter what you choose to do, it’s uncomfortable…so why not follow the path that YOU own; free from excuses, free from self sabotage, free from the chains that YOU placed on yourself.
We have this one shot to do amazing stuff. And even though I believe in every word I have written above, I struggle everyday with my depression, my low self esteem, and lack of confidence…BUT, I get up every day ready and willing to fight the battle because one thing I have learned is that I AM worth it…and so are you.
Start choosing #1…grab life by the horns…and don’t worry, I’ll be on that journey with you.
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