My attitude use to be that government should not interfere with our daily lives, that we should be able to make choices in regards to things that pertain to our own personal body and well being.

If I choose to get an abortion or not get one that is my choice.
If I choose to wear a seatbelt or not that is my choice.
If I choose to wear a helmet on a motorcycle or bicycle that is my choice.
If I choose to eat McDonald’s everyday or never eat it that is my choice.
If I choose to smoke cigarettes or not that is my choice.
If I choose to drink two gallons of soda a day or never drink it that is my choice.
The unfortunate thing is this, although I still believe that we should have the right to choose these things there is now part of me that wonders if we are capable. And if your response is that we are capable, than how do you explain the downfall of our country?
An example, should we let people eat fast food and drink soda to the point of obesity and health issues? Many people say yes we should let them, but does that not impact our healthcare issues and costs in this country? Why should I be at all impacted by someone else’s stupid choices? If someone is making a choice that negatively impacts my life in any way should our government step in and propose laws/ bans on those things? Or is it my responsibility to realize that I am bound to be impacted by other people’s bad choices? Who is to blame? What’s the fix?
Let’s take a look at texting while driving for instance. It was not illegal to do so until it became apparent that many accidents resulting in injury and death were occurring due to this…so they banned texting while driving in many states. Do you agree with this or not? If you agree with this ban what’s the difference between that and banning soda sizes or consumption?
The facts are this, we have lost any sense of accountability in this country (and the world) and we pass the buck. The lady that sued McDonald’s years ago when she ordered coffee and spilled it on herself won that suit…lack of accountability in my estimation. When I order hot coffee I do so knowing that it will be warm, and more often than not, HOT. Why did she win the lawsuit? Our society needs a culprit at all times now and we never look in the mirror and think it could be us.
If I slip in a grocery store on a just mopped floor where “wet floor” signs are placed, should I be able to sue and win? There are hundreds and thousands of examples of this kind of action going on and we have lawyers, judges, and politicians that do nothing about it. Sometimes bad shit happens and we need to simply get up and dust ourselves off and move the hell on.
All that being said, I wonder if we have gotten so stupid that we need to be taken care of by our government. If you give people freedom but do not educate them about those freedoms and discipline them when they do wrong, you create a nanny state…right? So again, what’s the answer? Liberals have one argument in this type of thing typically and Conservatives have another, unfortunately none of these arguments are correct. The answer to our problems is somewhere in between the bickering of both parties.
It is my belief that instilling accountability back in to people/ society and holding those accountable that do not meet that measure of accountability can start to turn this nightmare around. I love this country but my fears are that we are too far gone. We need more people to stand up, more accurately we need more people to wake up, and realize just how important accountability is in a civilized and educated society. We need parents to raise their children to be aware, observant, and accountable thinkers…not sissy little bitches that need a trophy for last place.
Life is hard and if you are not allowing children to understand that you are doing them a disservice. Teach them how to deal with hardship rather than make believe that a little pixie dust will make hardship go away. Hardship and struggle are the fabric of change, growth, evolution, and confidence; to take this away from a human being you create an entitlement mentality that serves absolutely no positive end game.
It’s time for change in our society, it has been for some time and in my opinion organized religion, Republicans, Democrats , and politics as usual WILL NOT solve the issues at hand. Managing this society is no different than managing a healthy marriage…it’s about communication, accountability, respect, understanding, and most importantly…compromise. No one person will get their way or should get their way, we all need to sacrifice to some degree for the betterment of the world in which we live. Bring a positive attitude to the table and a willingness to get dirty.
Are you ready?
Two words. Personal responsibility.
A few more words. You hit that nail home in one shot. Thank you!
For sure man and thank you. I don’t know why it’s so difficult for people to realize that accountability and compromise are the only way to get back on the right track…wacky!
The difference between texting and drinking, and banning soda sizes is that you may end up killing me and you while doing the first, and only hurting yourself with the second. Big difference.
Tom, but as I point out in my post, someone getting obese or having other healthcare issues due to their diet can impact me and my healthcare costs. So in the end, you are right…someone drinking soda won’t kill me but it could, and indeed has, impacted others financially.
I think personal responsibility has spiraled so far out of whack that its scary. There are lots of people who do not feel responsible for anything. At the same time, people expect businesses to be responsible for everything imaginable. We have so many laws on the books and lawsuits coming out of courts that wouldn’t be there if more of us told each other to grow up & take responsibility.
People forget that Americans have various things ebb & flow. Think about how you see things move like a pendulum…. I think obesity is one of those. A lot of folks, including me, have focused on enjoying food rather than nutrition. The pendulum is swinging and lots of us are taking action to make it move. So often, when you try to legislate or regulate those things, it just means another work around shows up. Never underestimate the power of a person doing what they want despite a hurdle put up.
I have to say looking at my nieces and nephews, I see incredible hope for progress in the future as they “get it.” They see so many things happening around them and think people can do better. They work hard on school to help meet their goals. Out of college, they get on their own feet whereas a few years ago it seemed a lot of people were returning home, they don’t borrow money as a routine (an area of personal responsibility that a lot of folks had missed) and they practice responsibility of their choices. Now if we could just make that the norm, we may be on the right path!
Janice, awesome comment and as usual I love your thoughts.
As far as people doing what they want despite a hurdle, I think consequence is another issue in this country (world), not only are we not accountable, I think we lack a discipline issue in this country. People rarely seem to fear repercussion for their actions. Why is that? I don’t know, I’m at a loss. Sometimes I think we need to have stricter laws and stricter punishments for those that break those laws…but we actually have to follow through with the punishment.
My hope is that Annie and i will raise our son the same way you talk about your nieces and nephews. We want to raise a boy that is compassionate, hard working, ethical, inventive, productive, acocuntable, honest, and to be a problem solver, a thinker. Time will tell!!
Thanks again Janice, let’s keep doing what we can to make the world better! Cheers!