As we go hurdling through our lives, typically only worried about ourselves, what is the end game? What is the point? Why are we here? Wait for it…what is the meaning of life?

Maybe I got carried away, I don’t really want to dive too intensely into the philosophies of life, I’m sure we each have our own. I suppose I am just trying to get you, and myself, to really think about what’s going on. What’s important to you? Are you living your life in such a way that allows for those important things to be at the forefront?
It seems more often than not, that we allow ourselves to become swallowed up by things that are not at the top of our “list of important things”. This seems to be spreading through our culture as rapidly as I can go through a case of wine…we know this and we accept this.
Why are the Khardashians more important than our health? Why is tearing someone down more important than lifting them up? Why are bickering politicians now more accepted than problem solving politicians? Why is America headed to the bottom in education at warp speed? Why do we judge others prior to learning their story? Why do we increase our personal debt on lame shit like expensive cars or clothes just to have to work more hours to pay the debt? Why have we chosen apathy over action? Why are we living in a hollow and materialistic shell versus finding our own personal meaning and rocking the shit out of it?
I can’t be mad at the Khardashians though, nor can I be mad at the National Enquirer or FOX News or NBC or Obama or Romney or Bush or Clinton or McDonald’s…people and political parties and politicians and businesses all do what the rest of society lets them get away with. The issue is not Obama or Romney, nor is it Democrat or Republican…it is us…We The People. It’s time for action over apathy in our lives. It’s time for accountability over blame.
What are you going to do about it? What should I do about it? How do we change a system? How can we get people on the far left and the far right (and I don’t just mean politically speaking) to calm the hell down and come to the table? As most of my writings have been lately, I am simply posing the questions. I do not have the answer other than to say that our current methodology is not working and has steadily been going downhill for decades. The conversations need to happen…but as I stated in yesterdays article, if you can’t come to the table and be respectful, accountable, and willing to compromise this will go nowhere.
We can be part of the continuing problem, or we can be part of the new solutions.
This seems to be spreading through our culture as rapidly as I can go through a case of wine…we know this and we accept this.