I’m often baffled at how 300+ million people in the United States can possibly only have two major political parties. How is it possible for that many people to fit into one of two boxes? I understand that there are varying degrees of Republicans and Democrats and one party doesn’t necessarily agree with everything in their party, but for the most part it is absolutely Republicans versus Democrats. At the end of the day, a Republican would rather see ANY Republican in office over ANY Democrat, and the opposite is true for the Democrats.

Why is this? What the hell happened? Why all the angst and bickering? Why the stubbornness?
My bigger issue is that most Americans would agree that our political system is broken yet “We the people” do nothing about it. Many of us still participate in the fractured voting system and we vote for this lying buffoon or that lying buffoon and proceed to defend our choice with no logical argument. How can there be a logical argument when actual facts are hard to come by and most sources of “news” or “facts” report things with a skewed or biased slant?
There are people that are so adamant that George Bush (2nd one) is responsible for all the problems our country is in right now. There are others that think Obama is completely at fault for the position our nation is in today. And now with an election fast approaching you have people that think Romney is the devil child. To all of those people that think one man or one party is responsible for all the bad stuff that’s going on, I would sincerely like to know where you’re getting your information? If you give me an answer like Fox News or MSNBC or The Drudge Report or Chris Matthews or Bill O’ Reilly you instantly lose credibility…all of these sources, along with countless others, are bias.
I’m not claiming to have the answers, nor am I claiming to know what the actual facts are (although, my gut tells me the truth lies mostly in the middle and that both parties have some good points and both parties have some insanely fucked up points) but I do know this; if we do not stop thinking for ourselves and demanding truth, transparency, and accountability from our elected officials…WE ARE ALL SCREWED!!
We need to demand problem solving from our leaders not bickering. We need to get over the Bush/ Iraq War and the Obama/ birth certificate/ socialist crap and start actually solving the issues. Name calling has never solved a single issue, neither has blame and finger pointing…why is it that’s all we do now though? Holding on to decisions that have already been made by our current President or past President’s, does nothing but hold us back from working on today.
As I said, I do not claim to have the answers but one thing most of us with any amount of common sense know is that problems are more likely to be solved by coming together and leaving the titles at the door. We have got to stop blaming one man or one party and start holding the collective responsible. Although we may disagree on abortion, the death penalty, and other such hot button issues…there are still decisions to be made. We have children to educate, infrastructure to rebuild, people to get back to work, an economy to repair, and a political system to reform. Has bickering and grandstanding help to resolve any of these issues…HELL NO…so why do we keep doing the same ridiculous crap expecting different results?
Let’s agree to disagree on many of the issues, but let’s agree to stand up and demand accountability, open-mindedness, and compromise…there is no other possible solution to any of our problems unless we revert to becoming a dictatorship. Stop the insanity!
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