First off I would like to say that each one of us does some form (even in the smallest amount) of stereotyping…maybe it’s in regards to someone’s race, their age, how they dress, the religion they practice, where they shop, the kind of car they have, the kind of food they like, or even the kind of computer they buy. Bottom line is that we each have judgments about something. I think most people’s judgments are innocent, harmless, and truly insignificant.
It takes a lot to shock me…but I’ve been shocked. Recently I have been interacting with a potential customer for my painting company in which I have provided two bids over the course of 12+ months and putting up sample colors on the outside of their home. All told I have invested roughly 5 hours of my time and about $50.00 out of my pocket thus far with these folks. On one of my previous visits they told me that they don’t want illegal Mexicans working on their house, to which I assured them that was not an issue and I would handle it.
Then, today (yesterday) happened. I was over at their home applying three more sample colors and the lady said again that they don’t want Mexicans working on their house, and I said that would not be an issue in regards to illegal immigrants. She then clarified her statement with something similar to this, “No, we don’t want any Mexicans on our property”.
Wow. Speechless.
I’m 35 years old and I have never had anyone come out so bluntly and brazen with a statement like that. She said that they have had a couple of bad experiences and said that if I had a Mexican on her property he would be looking in their windows and all that kind of stuff, which seems to imply that she thinks they would go into their house and steal stuff…or something like that.
I do have one Mexican guy that has worked for me off and on for over three years…every single other customer I have had remarks on how kind he is, how helpful he is, how hard working he is, and how polite he is. All of this leads me to this…there are “bad people” in every single religion, every single race and ethnicity, every political group, and in every other corner of the entire world.
Nothing makes someone bad by default. I’m white so I’m bad. I’m Mexican so I’m bad. I own a minivan so I’m bad. All that means nothing, being “bad” or “good” is dependent on a person’s character and intent…that is all.
I don’t really want to go any further into what the homeowner had said to me, but there was more said. The fact that these people originally were hiding their racism behind “illegal immigration” and finally decided to go ALL IN and admit they simply did not want any Mexicans on their property blew my mind. The way that they said it and the fact that there seemed to be zero logic behind what they said really surprised me. Again, there were a couple of other statements said I want to share but I feel it would not be fair to them or their careers should this ever get back to them.
I just wonder how people like this make it through life. Do they know the cooks in the kitchen at the restaurant they go to are probably Mexican? Do they know that somewhere down the line a Mexican has probably handled the fruits and vegetables at the store? Do they know that somewhere in their neighborhood there is at least one Mexican living? Do they know that Mexicans helped build their home? Do they know there are Mexicans in our government? Do they know there are Mexicans teaching kids in the U.S. education system?
Mind boggling.
We have got to stop hating an entire group of people (with the exception of radical groups/ hate groups/ or groups promoting violence toward others) and start basing each human on their character and their intent. The color of my skin does not define who I am. Those people that feel that an entire race of people is bad, is an absolute dipshit that is not worth my time. I feel the same way about people that think one political party is right 100% of the time…impossible. Let’s think for ourselves people…be compassionate, be willing to compromise, be humble, be eager to listen and understand, be willing to learn, and be accountable.
I know the issue of racism (or sexism and every other “ism”) will never end, but each of us can help make it better. Be aware of how you are talking to people and always be sure to watch what and how you say things in front of children. If you’re an idiot you don’t need to pass it on to your children. Give them the opportunity to grow up without boundaries.
I think it’s easy to look past this kind of stuff, but for some reason this incident hit me differently. We need to stand up and be thoughtful in the things we say…don’t let these types of situations pass by without standing up and saying something or at least learning from it.
Lastly, I will handle this by emailing the couple and telling them I am withdrawing my company from doing the work based on said reasons. I’m willing to forgo a $6,000.00 check for my ethics. I’m glad I got this out…just bugs! Thanks for listening.
Good for you matt,
It is people like you that help others heal from such stupidity. My stepdad is Mexican and I was called every name you can think of as a result. I am not Mexican but have about 35% Cherokee blood, they never bothered to ask. It is Mr. obvious when I am around any of my native family or extended family who the racists are when out in the public eye.
One builds up a tolerance over time and still with each instance of discrimination, racism or cowardly act I/we are filled with sadness. We can only pray there is less of a place in society in the future for this.
Mike Hull
Mike, thank you for the comment and the positive words. I drift back and forth between being a realist (which most would call a pessimist I suppose) and a dreamer. How nice would it be to have John Lennon’s song “Imagine” be possible…but that realist side of me doubts the possibility because as long as you have those people that are unwilling to compromise and unwilling to see the world in a positive light, the negativity will continue. I think the realistic thing is to stay strong and spread the message, because even impacting one person in a psoitive way makes it all worth it. Thanks again and I appreciate you telling me abuot your family too, keep on keepin’ on!!
Very powerful blog. I am sorry that the man who works for you, was treated with such disrespect. I can’t believe the fact that this man has been with you for over 3 yrs without any negative feedback, didn’t change their opinions. It’s a sad, scared world we live in.Congrats to you for standing up.
Alyse, I appreciate the comment and the support. Luckily, the guy that works for me was never directly exposed to those people, all this came out before we actually started working on the project. I had been over at their home to put sample colors up and that was it…but what a strange set of beliefs…in my opinion. Thank you again.