When will we stop shooting each other?
When will we stop hating each other because of our differences in religion or simply our difference in opinions?

When will we stop talking shit about one another?
When will we stop over analyzing the unimportant and start over analyzing the important?
When will we stop fighting due to difference of political party and start doing what is right for our children?
When will common sense reign over idiotic decisions made to be “politically correct”?
When will we stop living to work and start working to live?
When will we teach our young men to respect women and be loyal?
When will we expect more out of the media, out of our entertainers, and out of our athletes?
When will we teach our kids that real heroes are all around us and they don’t have a jersey with a number on it?
When will we be content with what we have rather than always trying to accumulate more?
When will human relationships be more important than making money or gaining more power?
When will we live in a world where we don’t have to worry about some evil person doing some heinous act to our children?
Are these “pie in the sky” questions? Have we let go of any hope to change things? Are we that lazy and selfish that we don’t truly care anymore? I will ask again…when will enough be enough?
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