It’s been about 7 months since I’ve been here and as much as things have changed they’ve also remained the same.

My son will be one year old in less than two months. I’ve been transitioning more and more out of my painting company and focusing on the online world of content (obviously not for this blog), research, social media, and so on. My wife and I bought a house. So as you can see, lots of changes.
On the other hand nothing has changed. I still deal with this very bizarre brain of mine that seems to get in the way of me really jumping off the “cliff of comfort” and the frustration that stems from that is slightly overwhelming at times.
All this aside I want to refocus on this blog. As some of you (if anyone is even out there) may know I have not disappeared from blogging as I still do it 5 days per week at (our lifestyle blog) and (our blog about Sammy and being parents). I’ve also been writing a lot on the side but have not bothered posting any of that stuff here or anywhere else because I don’t feel it’s quite good enough.
That is what needs to change. So I am challenging myself to posting here more regularly just as I challenged myself to write 1,000 words per day 6 days per week. We shall see what the coming weeks bring.
I in no way run this blog as the “pro bloggers” would say one should run a blog and I’m okay with that. At this point in time I am just looking for a place to post writings of mine without all the stress of “doing it the right way”. That means that I will be writing about many topics ranging from social media, politics, life in general, and anything else that may not really fit on the other two blogs I write for.
The act of writing and having a place to put it is extremely important to me. It’s been a savior in my life when things have not been good. I think we all have stories to tell, lessons to share, ideas worth going public with, and I think we owe it to ourselves to do so. There is no point in keeping your story or your knowledge to yourself…who does that help?
One of the fears that I, and a lot of people, had to get over was the fear that what I share would be ridiculed or otherwise unappreciated. I’m at the point now where my need to write and share is more important than what any asshole may have to say. This is my channel. It’s for me to do with what I choose.
The takeaway: We each have a unique voice and have travelled a unique path. It is, in my opinion, our obligation to tell that story in our own words. It is our legacy. It is our therapy. It can be the help that someone else needs.
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