One of the things I’ve noticed recently is that if you drop a comment like “I love my freedoms and all the opportunities there are out there”, you will typically get one of two reactions.
1) Are you stupid, you have no freedoms and neither do I…and what opportunities? There are no good jobs and our government is screwing everything up.
2) I totally agree. We live in a time of amazing opportunity and freedom.
These two reactions sound like people that live on two different planets. How can one person feel so defeated and the other not? Who is correct in their assessment?
Personally I have felt both ways at different times. Typically is has depended on how my depression is that day. Logically though, we have immense freedom and opportunity.
If you don’t have enough money you can start your own business.
If you want to learn more you can learn for free online.
If you want to travel, you can.
If you want to eat a burrito instead of spaghetti you can.
I don’t need to sit here and run down the list of crap you can do. And I know some people would say they can’t start their own business and they have been unable to find a job. I’m not sure what to say about that without potentially pissing you off. I’ve started four businesses in the last seven years and closed two of them.
I guess the point is that you can do most anything you set your mind to. Sure, there will be lots of failures and screw ups along the way when you put yourself out there and try to attain the things you want…but isn’t that better than sitting back complaining, pouting, and rotting in misery?
We do have freedoms and if you don’t think so that is because YOU have taken away your own freedoms. You have set up boundaries and limitations on yourself.
We do have opportunities…they are all around us and if you don’t think so my response is the same as above in regards to the freedoms. If you don’t think there are opportunities it’s because you won’t allow them in your life.
Trust me, I used to be that guy…life sucks, people are holding me back, and our government won’t let me do this or that. It’s all crap. Do whatever you want…move if you have to. Get a divorce, quit your job, or sell all your possessions…whatever it takes.
Seems to me we have two choices…make a change or at least stop complaining in public, nobody wants to hear it.
All of this can pertain to everything…politics, religion…whatever. There are such polarizing viewpoints. People so immensely afraid and holding on to their viewpoint as a security blanket regardless of whether it is right, wrong, or indeterminable.
The takeaway: Simply said, if you’re here to rain on the parade just stay home and turn your computer off. There’s no need to try to ruin other people’s lives just because you’ve ruined your own.
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