In light of the recent Yahoo logo “issue” I thought I’d add my two cents.

My first reaction is that those who got upset or felt cheated by the new design should really reevaluate their lives…after all, it is just a logo. A logo is not a person, it’s not a war in Syria, nor is it that unemployed, homeless woman living under the bridge.
It’s a logo.
It seems we, the consumers, have relationships with logos. They become iconic, legendary, and intertwined into the fiber of our daily life. Logos can give meaning without words, they can tell a story, and they can be motivational. I get all that but again…it’s just a logo.
I think the thing we need to remember is that not every logo is going to be iconic. Not all logos will have the impact that the Nike swoosh or the Apple logo have had and that’s just what we need to remember. Is every human good looking? Is every human smart? Is every war a war worth having? Is every business going to succeed? Is every logo or logo redesign going to be great?
No…some things get better, some get worse, and some remain the same.
I feel like I saw many people online getting rather upset about the redesigned Yahoo logo and it just got me thinking…is it really that big of a deal?
Will you stop using Yahoo because you don’t like their logo?
I guess I am a grand scale guy and I worry more about feeding my son or the potential war in Syria more than an utterly useless logo. I think we need a little context in our lives and I think we need to get over our “first world problems”.
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