Day two (second full day in Aachen)- Sleep wise, this day was even stranger for us normal 5 a.m.-ers, we got out of bed at about 10:30 a.m.-ish...another 10 to 12 hours of sleep, wow, not sure I’ve ever done that. We got ready for the day and went downstairs for … [Read more...]
My First Trip Overseas (Part 2)
The next day we’ll cover is our first full day in Aachen, Germany! Our first full day didn’t begin until roughly 9:30 am...which is crazy abnormal for us to wake up so late but with all the traveling the previous day and the 9 hour time difference, we figured it was ok. We got … [Read more...]
My First Trip Overseas (Part 1)
Our travel day to Germany began in Paso Robles at about 9 am PST, we left for San Francisco International Airport in our rental car and arrived at the rental drop off around noon-ish and were than shuttled over to the international terminal where we went through bag check in and … [Read more...]