How? I work very hard at staying positive but I’ll be honest, I have moments where I want to just lose it. I turn the news on and it’s all horrific- stock market, unemployment, etc.; and I hear it from everyone I come in contact with in my area. But that’s my frustration, nobody has it easy but everyone sounds like a victim. Get up and do something about it.
I just get irritated when people complain (oh poor me) about things they could technically change or at least put effort in to changing. We are such a lazy society, we complain and expect things to be different. Change only happens when action is taken to alter/ modify the reaction. Example: I’m obese because I eat too much and don’t exercise; so instead of complaining you could take steps to change the outcome rather than lay there and play dead.
This works for everything though, I’m not saying you’re always going to get your way; however, putting your energy in to something that will at least give you the possibility of change is better and more productive than complaining and being the victim. What are your thoughts?
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