Step One: You have to be at peace with who you are
I strongly believe, now more than ever, step one to success is peace with yourself and who you are. Without this any further steps toward success (and whatever success means to you) will be on a weak foundation that could fall apart. I believe building ourselves is like building a house; you need a solid foundation and the construction is done in stages- not over night!
The foundation, being at peace with you, is vital for numerous reasons. I’m a firm believer that failure happens to each of us throughout our lifetime, and being at peace with who you are allows you to come back to center and not let that shut you down. Instead, that peace with who you are gives you the confidence and comfort to go back out and reach for the stars again.
We also live in a world that has a lot of insecure people in it, which tends to make them negative on the surface. Being at peace with who you are won’t let these people keep you from your goals and dreams. In fact, throughout your journey, because you’re so at peace with yourself and display confidence; you have the power to change the lives of those people that are insecure and negative by being an example as well as a friend.
Attaining peace within, for some of us, can be quite difficult. I grew up with what seemed to be an abundance of inner turmoil and frustration. But I finally realized one day that those feelings were only harming myself and holding me back from my dreams. Once I understood they were MY feelings, inside of ME; I knew I was the only one that could fix this. So I started being accountable to myself. Writing was a huge help to me, it allowed me to do some soul searching and start finding my new direction, which, looking back now; started with inner peace.
The most amazing thing for me was feeling the difference as I started taking those baby steps. It was as if each little step gave me courage to approach the next. Having grown up as an introvert (shy, insecure, etc.), it was so amazing to have these new feelings of strength and belief in myself…and YOU can have this too. You need to do things in your life that build confidence. You need to step out from behind the shadows and begin to find you. A hobby may be something that could help you start, for me it has been writing and photography. Or maybe someone to talk to, to bounce ideas off of.
Whatever it is, just promise you WILL start right now. The best way to fix tomorrow is to LIVE today. You can do this, and you will. If I can, I have no doubt you can.
Step 2 in the next post.
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