We live in a time where everyone talks the talk, but nobody walks the walk. I hear people running their mouths constantly about how things are yet they do nothing to change anything. They’d rather marinate in the negative than move to greener pastures. The actual percentage of doers, or at least people that are positive rather than negative, is tragically low.
So what’s the fix? People need to understand that being in your ‘comfort zone’ is not a good thing. We constantly have to push ourselves outside the lines in to the unknown. That’s what life is, the adventure from point A (your birth) to point Z (your death). All that in between is the story, the journey, and the legacy. What will yours be? Withering away on the couch? Talking about things that are broken but doing nothing to fix them, or at least attempting to fix them?
Life is about that one decision, to do or not to do; to live your life or simply take up space until you die. The decision to do, to take action, is the biggest decision any one person can make. Don’t let your own insecurity or fear win. Don’t let the naysayers win. Today, right this second is a time for change. Go work out instead of eat another doughnut. Say something positive about someone instead of focusing on the negative.
The journey is the gift, it’s up to you whether you open it or not.
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