I know, politically incorrect to call something what it is, oh well.
I have two opinions about this: 1) adults that choose to be unhealthy (whether it be overweight, chain smoking, whatever) only bother me in the sense of the affect they have on the healthcare system and healthcare costs. I think your healthcare costs should be in direct relation to your overall health in life. If you choose to eat 12 Big Mac’s a day I should not have to pay for your heart medication. 2) Seeing our society fill with overweight (fat) children is utterly disgusting because they (depending on age) don’t understand the value of proper health because their parents are sabotaging their lives. Parents that allow their children to live at McDonalds or in the junk food cabinet are abusing their children, period.
Don’t talk to my wife about this subject, she is FAR more passionate about this then I am.
Yes, I’m very passionate about taking responsibility for your own and your children’s health! The fact that there are children out there that have no idea what REAL food tastes like is unfathomable to me. Just think about what’s being consumed when you eat frozen, processed, and fast food…chemicals, preservatives, colorings, sugars, and “parts”. How can a growing body do anything with all that??? It’s a parent’s responsibility to take the time and put forth the effort to ensure that their children have a healthy, balanced diet! I guess that’s hard when many adults don’t know what that really means, and many mainstream food producers will almost always take the cheaper/easier route when putting their food on the market. Anyway, I agree, why don’t we have a health care system based on HEALTH? If I exercise, eat right, have low blood pressure, balanced blood sugars, and am within a healthy weight range for my height, why can’t I pay less for health care than somebody who willingly chooses to ignore the research-proven facts about their own health?