Do you ever feel like we’re in an over-analytical world? Every sporting event is analyzed well before the event, during the event, and for an hour after. Anything politics gets over-analyzed by the talking heads on every channel but especially on cable/ satellite. Now it seems like every time I turn around, something is being painstakingly dissected on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.
I will clarify one thing, I most certainly do appreciate analysis and debate…probably more than most. But when it appears to be going nowhere and you’re hearing the same words over and over and over again…it may be time for a drink. There are many things in life that are not black and white, for example; some would argue a college education is mandatory while others would utterly disagree because they are happy and successful without one. So who’s right?
This is where you get in to “OPINION” and that too is great, but opinion does not always lead to an end game. So let us remember that analysis to the point of spinning in circles is doing no service for anyone. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves to lighten the hell up and not beat the proverbial dead horse!
Have a great weekend, and feel free to have an adult beverage and relax!
Goodness, you are so right. Today’s analysis was social media and search engine optimization. If we are all using it the way we want, why analyze every little nuance of it? In marketing, analysis is beneficial. We want data on ROI, hit rates, etc. But when does “gut feeling” business decisions come into play? What about enjoying the ride, enjoying each win, each presentation, each client pursuit? I think we get caught up in the data and forget about the experience.
Oh, and yes, I’m enjoying that adult beverage.
I totally agree Sandra, I think what happens is that some personalities are just prone to analysis & debate even when that may not yield any positive reslut. Frustrating for me because I often see those scenarios turn into arguments, but hey, it takes all kinds I suppose. Thanks Sandra and I am VERY happy you’re enjoying that beverage!!! LOL
Amen CNN, FOX, ESPN, Golf Channel and the rest. Give it a rest and lose the over-analyzed opinions.
I’d rather just watch the games instead of a bunch of guys making more money than me predicting and analyzing what might happen!