I just found out that someone I know is shutting his business down after 38 years due to some family health issues and a landlord that apparently was unwilling to negotiate. This person, whom I would consider a friend even though we have not known each other long, is truly a great mind and a human being that enjoys helping (after all, he’s given me endless advice and offers of help). Finding out about this today, has caused some thoughts to come to the forefront but they don’t have anything to do with this persons business, more the person.
We live in a world where mentors are a requirement, for each and every one of us. People that have the wisdom and knowledge of life experience being able to pass that on to others that are willing to heed their words is an amazing thing. As someone that has had several mentors, and at 34 years old I still find unarguable importance in them, I’m not sure what I would have done without them. I’ve been very fortunate and I hope the mentors I have know how I feel about them.
I also know, that the wisdom and knowledge that they pass to me is not mine to keep. It is now my job to pass that on to another fortunate person and help them. The idea of “competition” is crap, passing knowledge on is key to evolving that knowledge. Ideas build on ideas, and collaboration through information/ knowledge/ wisdom sharing is the best, and often only way, to think forward.
There is simply nothing more powerful than information and the art of passing that information around. When minds come together, and share knowledge, truly amazing things can happen…everything seems possible!
I felt bad for this person (mentioned in the first paragraph) at first, but realized that people like that can’t be held back. The power of ideas, sharing them, and giving of yourself, will always result in good things.
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You are on such a powerful quest right now and it is a delight to watch. Only 34 huh? Not sure how you assess your personal growth but I can guarantee that at each interval you will be amazed at how far your thought processes will have progressed. You will also notice that instead of getting smarter, you are cursing the hours in a day because there’s so much more you want to know about and/or experience because you actually have to stop to sleep (even you Matt). 😉
Thank you very much for the comments Cheri. You are oh so right. I have hit that point of being disappointed in how short the days are because the journey of learning and understanding is just so damn fun to me. Your comments always push me to do more!! Thank you very much!!