I’ll start off with something rather insignificant…we were watching HGTV, the show First Time Home Buyer or something like that, and this lady was so picky; she had to have 22 cabinets, 3 patios or decks, and an ice dispenser on the outside of the fridge.
Now, I get it, we all have things we want but as I was getting fed up with her…it was the ice dispenser that threw me over the edge. What happened to compromise? She wanted, well, “needed” all these things in the perfect neighborhood and at her price range…glad I’m not her man!
I’ve had refrigerators with and without icemakers…you quickly learn to deal with what you have. If you’ve been following this blog or our wine blog ( http://www.hootnannieblog.com ) you know we recently moved from a newer, bigger home to an older, smaller home by choice. We also went from two refrigerators to one…and the one we have does not have an icemaker. It would be no problem to go buy a fridge with an icemaker and ice dispenser…but we don’t really need it.
Instead, we “cowboy up” and fill those plastic ice containers, wait for them to freeze, and then hand load them into an ice bucket in the freezer…oh the humanity!! Jesus, there are people that don’t even have clean drinking water let along a box that dispenses cubed and crushed ice. Some people are just spoiled ass rotten and forget how spoiled we humans can be.
I’m sure every one of you has something in your life that could be made easier, but your use to the way you do it…so why change it. After our move we have 700 square feet less, so the time we save in cleaning we now spend breaking our backs cracking ice (kidding).
I’m not sure what my specific point is, but I think it has something to do with remembering how lucky we have it. Also, don’t act like a spoiled brat, especially not on television.
smiley face with winking eye!
lol…I love smiling faces!!