Last night on the tree lighting show in New York City, which was on NBC, they played a music video ( ) with Mariah Carey and Justin Bieber singing “All I Want For Christmas”…here are some of my quick, random thoughts about the video.
Mariah Carey is about 41 years old and Bieber will be 18 next year I believe…why is it okay for Carey to be dressed like a Holiday stripper, and for the video to insinuate that these two are going to get it on after the cameras turn off?
We punish teachers that have sex with their students. We punish people like Sandusky (Penn State scandal) that molest children. Yet it’s okay to make videos like this? All of Bieber’s 12 year old fans see this shit and think it’s okay, so some of those die hard 12 year old fans of his are going to want to dress like that now because they see the Biebster ogling Carey in the video…and they want Bieberlicious to ogle them.
Bad move on anyone that supported the making of this video (NBC included for playing it, but it’s all about the money right?, and a middle finger to the people that created the concept. As for Carey, it makes her look like a trashy old woman.
Now, I do know that there are thousands of inappropriate videos, songs, movies, and television shows…but at some point the future of our children and our country needs to be more important than slipping further into an abyss where money is more important than our kids. We wonder how some people become so warped, between crappy parenting and nonsense like this video, I do not wonder why we have so many pedophiles and sick perverts out there.
Wake up people!
Agree so much, the problem is that we are hyper sexualizing our children, I have a very real and recent example that lends credence to your comments.
Our niece’s are in cheer and dance (1st and 3rd graders) and they were at our shop sporadically during the Thanksgiving break and I was shocked…..SHOCKED by the dance moves, behavior and belly shirt mimicking not to mention the lyrics and hand gestures they were executing practicing their “routine” and with no sense of their environment and surroundings.
I explained to them (hard considering the age) that they were at a business and this is where Mom, Uncle Ryan and Uncle Ron work and it was not appropriate behavior….YA RIGHT and a whole lot of attitude was the reply, needless to say I ushered them into the conference room and laid down the ultimatum that if they came out with sassy dance I was going to whip their behind and that no further warnings would be given (akin to Bill Cosby’s routine of letting the beatings begin LOL) and sure enough my beautiful doe eyed niece Ginger came out in full Sassy mode to test me…..Wham-O I let her have it and she hooted and hollered and burst out crying HOWEVER she recovered and stopped, and on top of that Mandi looked at me wide eyed in that I followed through exactly as promised and they both stayed in line the rest of the time they were here……sorry for the rant 🙂
The moral of the story…..some times it takes a village, or just Uncle RyRy!
Ryan…don’t be sorry, that’s a perfect example of what these things do to OUR kids….in the end, ALL of these kids are OURS. Even the best parents cannot protect their children all the time, so I do agree it takes a village. The problem in our society is that most of the village, or at least the ones with a lot of clout, care more about themselves, money, and how cool they are.
It’s unfortunate…I know Annie and I were really disappointed that NBC showed that video last night and that there are people still creating that kind of video. Maybe time to Occupy NBC? LOL
Whew! so glad you brought this up Matt! I thought I was the only one thinking that when I saw that video. My first thought was Mariah is getting a bit old to bed dressing like that and portraying that image – Don’t get me wrong; I think she looks great! but we all reach an age where certain things are not becoming to us!…..specially is we are adding an 18 year child and we also throw Christmas in the mix!
Christmas is an occasion we all want to preserve as “innocent, heart-warming, giving, caring” – This video strips us of that innocence….and somehow I don’t like it:(
I guess because when it comes to holidays; I continue to be a child at heart!
Well said Jeannette…I really do worry that we are too far gone to fix this kind of thing in our sociaety. It comes down to people (Mariah Carey and Justin Bieber) being accountable for their individual actions, and businesses (NBC) thinking about what is being put out there.
Not sure where we go from here…scary.