We each own our own experience. If you don’t like where you’re at, change it, or change your perspective.
The notion that things will somehow change themselves is inaccurate. If things in your life change without you doing something to change them it is typically because you have procrastinated so long that other outside influences have come to fruition; whether that means another person made a choice which then impacts you or something outside of our control like an earthquake forces something in your life to change.
We each have our struggles…depression, low self esteem or low self worth, fear of the unknown, anxiety, or any number of other mental or emotional blocks that keep us in this little tidy box where we feel safe. But I have learned a few amazing things:
1) There’s nothing all that scary outside the box, so get up and go.
2) We worry about what other people might think or say, yet every single person has their own crap to deal with…if they do say something it is typically out of envy that you are choosing to OWN your life.
3) Life is short; if you want it…go now. Waiting feels safe, but gets you nowhere!
4) Surround yourself with positive people, they make everything better.
5) There is nothing more powerful than choice!
It’s okay to feel scared or intimidated. It’s okay to admit you don’t have all the answers, you never will. It’s okay to be who you are…that’s why YOU are here.
No matter how hard you try to own your life and take the bull by the horns, you’re going to have tough moments; maybe even tough days and weeks. Learn more about yourself and pay attention to what motivates you. Push yourself when you feel like crap. Hell, I was feeling unmotivated and slightly down yesterday morning but pushed myself and was able to bounce back. It’s not how you start, it’s how you finish…we all have this very second to choose to own our lives, take the first step…it’s easy after that!
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