I pose the question more to get you to think about it rather than to specifically tell me. I’m curious just how many people either have not thought about it or know the answer but don’t put those calming things to work.
For example…listening to Bob Marley, the Zac Brown Band, Jimmy Buffett, or some of Kenny Chesney’s beach style music calms me down…so I listen to this stuff…a lot. It’s no wonder that this type of music calms me because the other thing that calms me and centers me even more is the ocean.
The sound of the waves, the smell, the scenery, and the power refocus every fiber of my being…I LOVE being at the ocean’s edge.
Luckily I have a third thing that calms me a lot…my wife…especially when she isn’t driving me crazy (kidding…whoa, just kidding). She has the ability to make me more comfortable in my own skin. It is often times from her that I draw confidence, happiness, and this :I can do anything” attitude…for that I am grateful.
But let’s get back on topic because this post isn’t all about her (haha)…I think it’s important for each of us to investigate and find those things that calm us, that center us, and allow us to be one in side ourselves. Face it…with all the distractions in the world we need to be ONE as much as we can be. Find your thing or things and implement them into your life MORE than you currently are.
Is it music? Food? The beach? Drawing? Photography? Whatever it is I strongly encourage you to do more of it…it can and will make a difference in your day to day life. We forget to center ourselves, but it’s vital to enjoying the roller coaster of life.
I need a Scotch! Cheers!
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